I was able to book a mangrove tunnel kayaking trip on my 2023 return trip to Sarasota, using SRQ Kayaking Company (www.kayakingsrq.com), and this blog tells about my experience. One thing helpful to know on any trip to this area is the initials "SRQ" are used frequently to refer to the entire Sarasota-Bradenton region, because "SRQ" is the airport code you will see when you fly into the Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport (www.srq-airportcom)
I waited until the day before, to book my trip, in part, because I wanted to assess the weather prediction before I committed. When I phoned their number to request a single-style kayak, the employee told me it was good I called when I did because it was their last single kayak. The high volume of their booking for the day I wanted, was probably because it was the federal holiday for President's Day, and the weather predictions were for magnificent conditions! My email confirmation ticket gave me the address to find the location to start (190 Taft Drive), and I got there early, not knowing how long it would take me to find the staging area, located in The Ted Sterling Nature Park. What I observed upon arrival was a plethora of watercraft outfitters, which is a good thing to know in case the first outfitter you try, is already booked up.
I took a photo of the sign showing a map of the park, which showed that the mangrove tunnels were numbered, and had suggested "directions of travel" for paddlers who would be exploring the park. Also located at the sign was a supply of life jackets for those who did not bring their own, or have one provided by the outfitter.
One thing I was happy to see was a wheel-chair accessible restroom building, with flush toilets and handwashing sinks:
Nestled among the banyan trees, were covered picnic tables, and each one had a number.
The employees of the various outfitters were busy unloading the kayaks from trailers, to get them closer to their waterfront entry spot.
One VERY talented guy was able to push one dolly of kayaks in front of him, and pull another dolly of kayaks behind him, while he balanced on a device called "One Wheel" that propelled him across the parking lot so fast, you wanted to stay out of his way!When we checked in at the Kayaking SRQ trailer, we were given a number which indicated the picnic table we were to gather around, when it was time for the tour. There were dozens of customers on the day I went, but we were divided into groups of ten, so that the number of paddlers would be manageable for each guide . I was in a group led by a guide named Patrick, and he gave us a brief demonstration of how to hold the paddle, and a few safety tips to make our trip more enjoyable.
I was the first of our group of ten to launch my kayak, and he instructed me to paddle out into the open water, and wait for the rest of the group to arrive. Being "led forth" by his instructions, gave me great joy and a sense of peace, and made me want to break forth into singing and clap my hands! (Because it gave me plenty of time to take photographs!) Therefore, I am using this experience as the visual aid for one of my First Place 4 Health (www.FirstPlace4Health.com) memory verses that says, "For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." Isaiah 55:12
The time waiting for the rest of the group also gave me an opportunity to snap a photo for a Facebook page I enjoy, called "Look at the Front of My Kayak". It requires that the contributor show only the front part of their kayak, and the view beyond that. One can take a "virtual" sight-seeing paddle around the world on this site!
This wide expanse of open water is one reason the mangrove tunnels exist today. It used to be a small lake, separated from the sea water in Sarasota Bay. The stagnant water of the lake promoted the growth of mosquito populations, which carry malaria and other harmful diseases. Therefore, decades ago---before much was known about its hazards---a chemical substance was spread over the lake to kill the mosquitoes. It not only killed the mosquitoes, but all the flora and fauna associated with the lake habitat. The officials came up with the solution of making small canals, connecting the sea with the lake. Over time, this allowed the damaged lake water to flow out into the open ocean. As the habitat improved, mangrove trees begin to grow around the tunnels, eventually forming a canopy over them. Folks enjoyed exploring the green tunnel habitats, and "voila", a tourism attraction was created. The tunnels are very shallow, so the advent of lightweight, plastic-like kayaks that require just a few inches of depth in order to proceed, was also a factor in its popularity. Then, the increasing numbers of folks starting to do standup paddle boarding (SUP), brought another group of outdoor enthusiasts to the location.
After all ten in our group had made it to the open water, the guide asked us to paddle up close to him, so he could tell us more about the habitat we would be exploring. Patrick had a specially-designed kayak that is suitable for either standing up or sitting down. When I booked the tour, I asked if the outfitter provided life jackets (they are required with the "WHOyaker" group of ladies I kayak with back in the Ozarks). He said every kayak had a lifejacket with it, but considering the water was no more than two feet deep wherever we paddled, it was doubtful I would need it. You can see in the photo below how shallow the water is.
Patrick also pointed out how clear the water was, and pulled up a "critter", that I had assumed was a plant. However, he called it an "upside-down" jellyfish (cassiopea), because the tentacles float above the body of the animal, instead of below it.
"The jelly fish lay upside-down so that the algae covering it, is exposed to the sun, allowing it to photosynthesize. The jelly can sustain itself off just the byproducts of the algae, and capture zooplankton for additional energy to grow. I read later that these jellyfish may sting humans, but our guide did not appear to be bothered by this possibility.
The information plaque back at the park had explained this area had three main types of mangroves---red mangrove, white mangrove, and black mangrove. The leaves of the red mangrove are a darker shade of green on the tops than on the bottoms.
I took the photo below of roots from a black mangrove tree, which are very unique, because they grow straight up like straws, for breathing. They usually reach heights of about 12 inches. These roots are called pneumatophores. I took this photo several feet away from the water's edge, because black mangrove trees grow on higher ground than red mangrove trees.
The guide pointed out a wading white ibis, feeding among the mangrove roots, indicating another example of the success of this effort at habitat restoration.
The group stayed single-file, once we started through the tunnels, because they are very narrow. I tried to stay as close to the guide boat as possible, so I could hear what he was saying. (By the way, it is not a requirement that you have a guide when paddling through the mangrove tunnels. One can rent a kayak and start out on their own to explore. However, since I was a "newbie" and knew nothing about the area, I preferred the added feature of a guided tour.)
The photo below shows a paddler as she is exiting Tunnel number 2. One would probably not even notice there was an opening in this mangrove forest, if it were not for the floating buoy. Notice how clear the water is, and how shallow it is. In fact, some folks plan their paddling adventure based on the tides. At low tide, you may be a "walker", instead of a paddler through the mangroves. At very high tides, you will be closer to the "ceiling" of the tunnel, than at other times. This means that a paddle boarder may not be able to go through the tunnels standing up, at very high tides.
Patrick told us that the roots of the mangrove trees serve as a nursery for starfish. Most of the ones he pointed out were about the size of a quarter, which I had trouble seeing. However, we eventually passed over one that was about the size of a hamburger bun, which even I could see!
When we passed over that large starfish, the guide told me he wanted to wait beside it, so he could point it out to the other nine paddlers. He told me to go on ahead, and keep paddling until I came out on open water. I loved this, because it gave me time to snap a few photos without slowing down the group behind me! Can you see from the photo below how paddling through this aquatic labyrinth can be a little intimidating??!! However, I had read in the information provided, indicating this was NOT alligator habitat, so I found that reassuring. In the instructions Patrick gave us before we started, he alerted us that on some of the turns, we might get "hung up" in a root system, but he cautioned us to use our paddles to free us up, NOT OUR HANDS. This is because oysters attach to the mangrove roots, and the sharp, jagged surfaces of the oyster shell, can slice open the skin of someone who inadvertently grabs on to them.
Patrick turned around to tell our group that this area had much more sun exposure due to the damage done to the mangrove forest from Hurricane Ian, in September of 2022. Many of the trees were stripped of their leaves. Yet that massive root system for which mangrove trees are known, helps reduce the amount of beach erosion when violent storms/hurricanes hit the area.
I took a photo of the sign showing a map of the park, which showed that the mangrove tunnels were numbered, and had suggested "directions of travel" for paddlers who would be exploring the park. Also located at the sign was a supply of life jackets for those who did not bring their own, or have one provided by the outfitter.
One thing I was happy to see was a wheel-chair accessible restroom building, with flush toilets and handwashing sinks:
Nestled among the banyan trees, were covered picnic tables, and each one had a number.
The employees of the various outfitters were busy unloading the kayaks from trailers, to get them closer to their waterfront entry spot.
One VERY talented guy was able to push one dolly of kayaks in front of him, and pull another dolly of kayaks behind him, while he balanced on a device called "One Wheel" that propelled him across the parking lot so fast, you wanted to stay out of his way!When we checked in at the Kayaking SRQ trailer, we were given a number which indicated the picnic table we were to gather around, when it was time for the tour. There were dozens of customers on the day I went, but we were divided into groups of ten, so that the number of paddlers would be manageable for each guide . I was in a group led by a guide named Patrick, and he gave us a brief demonstration of how to hold the paddle, and a few safety tips to make our trip more enjoyable.
I was the first of our group of ten to launch my kayak, and he instructed me to paddle out into the open water, and wait for the rest of the group to arrive. Being "led forth" by his instructions, gave me great joy and a sense of peace, and made me want to break forth into singing and clap my hands! (Because it gave me plenty of time to take photographs!) Therefore, I am using this experience as the visual aid for one of my First Place 4 Health (www.FirstPlace4Health.com) memory verses that says, "For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands." Isaiah 55:12
The time waiting for the rest of the group also gave me an opportunity to snap a photo for a Facebook page I enjoy, called "Look at the Front of My Kayak". It requires that the contributor show only the front part of their kayak, and the view beyond that. One can take a "virtual" sight-seeing paddle around the world on this site!

After all ten in our group had made it to the open water, the guide asked us to paddle up close to him, so he could tell us more about the habitat we would be exploring. Patrick had a specially-designed kayak that is suitable for either standing up or sitting down. When I booked the tour, I asked if the outfitter provided life jackets (they are required with the "WHOyaker" group of ladies I kayak with back in the Ozarks). He said every kayak had a lifejacket with it, but considering the water was no more than two feet deep wherever we paddled, it was doubtful I would need it. You can see in the photo below how shallow the water is.
Patrick also pointed out how clear the water was, and pulled up a "critter", that I had assumed was a plant. However, he called it an "upside-down" jellyfish (cassiopea), because the tentacles float above the body of the animal, instead of below it.

The information plaque back at the park had explained this area had three main types of mangroves---red mangrove, white mangrove, and black mangrove. The leaves of the red mangrove are a darker shade of green on the tops than on the bottoms.
I took the photo below of roots from a black mangrove tree, which are very unique, because they grow straight up like straws, for breathing. They usually reach heights of about 12 inches. These roots are called pneumatophores. I took this photo several feet away from the water's edge, because black mangrove trees grow on higher ground than red mangrove trees.
The guide pointed out a wading white ibis, feeding among the mangrove roots, indicating another example of the success of this effort at habitat restoration.
The group stayed single-file, once we started through the tunnels, because they are very narrow. I tried to stay as close to the guide boat as possible, so I could hear what he was saying. (By the way, it is not a requirement that you have a guide when paddling through the mangrove tunnels. One can rent a kayak and start out on their own to explore. However, since I was a "newbie" and knew nothing about the area, I preferred the added feature of a guided tour.)
The photo below shows a paddler as she is exiting Tunnel number 2. One would probably not even notice there was an opening in this mangrove forest, if it were not for the floating buoy. Notice how clear the water is, and how shallow it is. In fact, some folks plan their paddling adventure based on the tides. At low tide, you may be a "walker", instead of a paddler through the mangroves. At very high tides, you will be closer to the "ceiling" of the tunnel, than at other times. This means that a paddle boarder may not be able to go through the tunnels standing up, at very high tides.
Patrick told us that the roots of the mangrove trees serve as a nursery for starfish. Most of the ones he pointed out were about the size of a quarter, which I had trouble seeing. However, we eventually passed over one that was about the size of a hamburger bun, which even I could see!
When we passed over that large starfish, the guide told me he wanted to wait beside it, so he could point it out to the other nine paddlers. He told me to go on ahead, and keep paddling until I came out on open water. I loved this, because it gave me time to snap a few photos without slowing down the group behind me! Can you see from the photo below how paddling through this aquatic labyrinth can be a little intimidating??!! However, I had read in the information provided, indicating this was NOT alligator habitat, so I found that reassuring. In the instructions Patrick gave us before we started, he alerted us that on some of the turns, we might get "hung up" in a root system, but he cautioned us to use our paddles to free us up, NOT OUR HANDS. This is because oysters attach to the mangrove roots, and the sharp, jagged surfaces of the oyster shell, can slice open the skin of someone who inadvertently grabs on to them.
Patrick turned around to tell our group that this area had much more sun exposure due to the damage done to the mangrove forest from Hurricane Ian, in September of 2022. Many of the trees were stripped of their leaves. Yet that massive root system for which mangrove trees are known, helps reduce the amount of beach erosion when violent storms/hurricanes hit the area.
As I waited for all the paddlers to make it out of Tunnel #2, I could easily understand why the roots of the red mangrove tree are called "stilt roots" or "prop roots" They are literally "propping up" the trees in the harsh brackish water, in which they have to survive. I imagined that as the limbs on one side of the tunnel were reaching out to touch the limbs on the opposite side of the tunnel, they are "clapping their hands", as they form a Arc de Triomphe (arch of triumph) from which the victorious paddler can emerge!
About midway through our tour, we stopped at a sandbar, and got out of our kayaks to stretch our legs. Lest you think this was a "potty break", it was NOT! There are no toilets from the time one starts the 2.5 hour tour, until it ends, so keep that in mind when deciding how much coffee to consume before you start the tour!
As I looked down at the sandy beach, searching for pretty shells, I saw the item pictured below. On a previous visit to Florida, that included a stop at the Bailey Shell Museum on Sanibel Island, I learned that this strange looking strand is the egg case of a whelk mollusk. Whelks lay their eggs in a long spiral-shaped casing that can reach up to 33 inches in length. The strand can have as many as 200 pouches, and each pouch can have as many as 99 eggs. I counted over 30 pouches on this piece, so that means this strand had the potential to produce about 300 whelk molusks! The female protects the string of eggs by anchoring one end at the bottom of the bay. Sadly, this string had become dislodged, and desiccated after being washed up on dry land.
As I mentioned, the weather was perfect for being outside, and many of the participants took the opportunity to wade in and cool off, as they surveyed the area for interesting sea life features.
Patrick also mentioned that he would be available to take photographs, if anyone had brought their cameras or cell phones on the trip. Naturally, I took him up on his offer!