Tuesday, October 1, 2024


 Most folks have heard about the tourist attraction called, "Colonial Williamsburg", in Virginia, and Historic Washington State Park has the nickname of the "Williamsburg of Arkansas".  Furthermore, just like in Williamsburg, the horse-drawn surrey seen in this colorful sign, is a reminder that horse-drawn surrey rides can be arranged at Historic Washington State Park!  See their website for more information (www.ArkansasStateParks.com)

Wooden plank sidewalks define the Washington Historic District, which is about 100 acres, and contains about 54 buildings.  Washington was named after George Washington, and was incorporated on his birthday in 1824.  It was originally the county seat of Hempstead County, in southwest Arkansas.  It has been called a museum village, and contains hundreds of pioneer artifacts from the area.  The photo below shows the 1874 Hempstead County Courthouse.

  I was there after the Visitor Center was closed, but thanks to a "relocation" of the passport stations to the outdoors, one can do a rubbing of that particular park's stamp, even if the visitor center.  Then there is a prize, for those people who get a rubbing from all 52 of Arkansas state parks. 

This quilt design was on one of the buildings at Historic Washington State Park.  It is a subtle nod to the famous Bowie knife.  It was blacksmith, James Black of Washington, who claimed to have made a knife for Jim Bowie, who gained fame for his participation in the battle of the Alamo in Texas.  The connection of these knives to Arkansas inspired an alternative term for "Bowie knife", calling it instead the "Arkansas toothpick".  One may ask, what was Jim Bowie doing in historic Washington?  The answer is that it was on the Southwest Trail that ran from St. Louis to the Red River port of Fulton, also in Hempstead County, just 12 miles from Historic Washington.  At the time, the Red river was the border between the United States and Mexico. William B. Travis, Sam Houston, and Davy Crockett also traveled through Washington on their way to Texas.


There is an actual Bowie knife, made by Historic Washington famous blacksmith from the 1800's, on display at the Arkansas History Museum in Little Rock. The handle has the same outline of a coffin from the 1800's, hence it is called a "coffin handle knife".  The end of the knife has been crafted to be sharp, on both the top and the bottom, for about three inches.  The long blade makes it a suitable fighting knife, that a frontiersman could carry easier than the long two-edged swords, that official government soldiers of the day carried.   The phrase "two-edged sword" brings to mind this Bible verse:  "For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart."  Hebrews 4:12 KJV

Notice that the Bicentennial marker below, has a Bowie knife outline, separating 1818, from 2018.  It is sitting on an outline in the shape of Hempstead County.  Even two hundred years later, wannabe blacksmiths come to Historic Washington, to participate in "Forged in Fire" workshops. 

The sign above designates that Washington was in the area affected by The Camden Expedition, during the Civil War.  The Camden Expedition (March 23-May 3, 1864) was the final campaign conducted by the Union Army in south Arkansas.  The offensive was designed to cooperate with Major-General N.P. Banks' movement against Shreveport.  However, the Union army suffered terrible losses in a series of battles with Confederate forces.  The Union army goal had been to occupy Camden, a port city on the Ouachita River, to resupply.  These efforts were unsuccessful, and The Camden Expedition is said to have been the greatest Federal military disaster in Arkansas throughout the Civil War. 
After starting at the Visitor Center, one can continue to the Blacksmith Shop, Weapons Museum, Print Museum, and other historic locations that make up the largest collection of 19th-century buildings in the state. 

Greg Butts is a former director of Arkansas State Parks, and his name was beside a newly-planted catalpa tree on the lawn of the Visitor Center.    The catalpa tree is the sole source of food for the catalpa sphinx moth, where the moth's caterpillars eat the leaves.  Because the caterpillars are an excellent live bait for fishing,  some dedicated anglers plant catalpa mini-orchards for their own private source of "catawba-worms".   Clio is a website (www.theclio.com) and mobile application, similar to the apps that help you find a nearby restaurant or repair shop.  Clio picks up your present location and guides you to landmarks, museums, and historical/cultural sites.  (According to Greek mythology, Clio was the muse of history and lyre playing) Clio is free for everyone,, funded by donations  that are tax deductible, as a 501c3 entity. 
The two chimneys on the side of this building hearken back to a time when wood burning was the only source of heat for a domicile.  That is the time period when Washington was the Confederate capitol of Arkansas, because Little Rock had been occupied by Union troops.  This two story Greek revival is called the Woodlawn House, and was built in 1850's.  In the 1980's the Pioneer Washington
Historic Washington benefited from projects taken on in the 1940's, by the WPA --Works Project Administration.  This maker is at the community's gymnasium. 
The gymnasium still hosts functions put on by the state park, and also can be rented for private events.
I saw a shallow pool similar to the one below, when I visited Thomas Jefferson's Monticello, in Virginia.  Jefferson used his to keep live fish, that would later be cooked to serve those living at Monticello.  Remember, there was no refrigeration in those days, so having a ready supply of fresh fish could be a nice amenity!
The bell shown on this post, has probably summoned countless souls, since the days of old.  It makes one wonder "For Whom The Bell Tolls"?
While touring the Historical District in Washington, a man passed on a unicycle---first time I have seen one on a public highway!

I remember a big kettle similar to this one, being used whenever my paternal grandparents slaughtered a hog, and then rendered the fat to make lye soap.  My father would help cup up the hogs into quarters, and after salting, they would be hung in the smoke house, for use later in the year.  I remember we usually brought home "chitlins and "hog souse" after such occasions .  Chitlins are the intestines of a pig that have been cleaned, boiled, and fried.  Hog souse features the various parts of the pig, including the feet, head, ears, and tail, that have been cleaned, cooked, and pressed together to form a loaf, that slices like Spam.   

When I was a youngster, both my maternal and paternal grandparents lived in the country, and they each had a water well similiar to this.  The metal bucket hanging from the rope going over the pulley, was lowered into the deep well, and then carefully pulled up out of the well, hopefully without spilling much water. 

I liked the way the outline of a cross had been cut into the gate, leading to the historic church within the district.  (These buildings can be rented for private events, such as a wedding)

This stone marker beside the church indicates that as early as 1818, the pioneers thought it was important to have a house of worship. 

Williams Tavern Restaurant was originally located 10 miles away just off the Southwest Trail in the community of Marlbrook.  Built in 1832, it was owned by John Williams and during the 19th century, served as a local tavern for travelers.  In the 1980's, the building was moved to Washington.  It continues that tradition of welcoming travelers, serving as the restaurant at the park.  One can phone 870-983-2890 to get updated serving times. 

I read that the Crouch House was considered Greek revival architecture, and that Mr. Crouch had been a jeweler.  Notice the boardwalk in front of the fence, which is a defining aspect of the historic district.  

Besides the possibility of staying at a former jail (shown below), groups can also arrange to stay in the 1914 Washington School.  It has been remodeled to accommodate 48 bunk beds. 

There is a video on You Tube where one can see what it would be like to spend the night in the former jail, and the furnishings looked very comfortable.   It would be nice to be a "prisoner" in such a luxurious place.   
You can find links to all that this amazing place has to offer, by visiting their website at www.ArkansasStateParks.com  .
Visiting Historic Washington State Park gave me "MILES OF SMILES"!  Tricia

Thursday, September 12, 2024


Just making it to the area where the race was to begin, was enough of an accomplishment for me to cause me to raise my hands in gratitude!  I live about three hours away from where the race was held, so that meant traveling to the area the night before, and staying in a motel.  (The event has to start very early in the morning, so that the course can be cleared in time for the regularly scheduled Lost Canyon Cave Tours, via golf carts, to proceed.)  I had driven to Top of the Rock about one month prior, in order to scope out the gated entrance to the expansive property.  I knew there was a normally a  fee for non-hotel guests to go through the gates, so I had contacted the race officials (fitness@basspro.com) in advance to ask if I still paid the gate fee, since I was a race participant.  I was told there would not be a fee for me to enter, and that volunteers would be at the entrance, to assure my admission onto the campus.  When I turned into the entrance area, it was completely dark, and instead of me going through the gated entrance, there was a person holding a flashlight, directing me to turn right, BEFORE the entrance gate.  So I followed several other cars down a dark road into, what seemed like a black hole, and kept going in the direction of people waving flashlights, until there were no cars in front of me, as they had all pulled off to park.  So, I too, pulled off to park, in what appeared to be an unpaved field, and got out of my car.  Still with no clue as to where I was, I followed a couple in front of me farther into the darkness, and asked if they knew where the registration packet pick up was supposed to be.  They said they did not know either, so I started walking in the darkness with them, in a direction where we heard voices. 

After walking a long ways in the darkness, we saw a line of people and joined in their line.  I asked one of them if this was the late packet pickup line, and they said, they did not know, but hoped that it was! This pre-dawn experience was referred to "late packet pick up", because registrants were told to pick up their packets on Thursday, before the Saturday race.  However, that would have involved a two-night motel stay for me, so that is why I opted to pick up my packet on the morning of the race. 
When it was my turn to be at the computer checkin, I was delighted that they actually had my name on their list, and they gave me my race "bib", which had my number on it and the size teeshirt I had requested.  The race director, who I was introduced to later as Melissa Bondy, pointed me to farther down the table to receive my tee shirt, vinyl Bass Pro bag, and safety pins to affix my race number to my teeshirt. 

The gals giving out the bags and teeshirts assured me safety pins were inside the bags, but having once been in a 5K that ran out of safety pins, I did not leave the area, until I was sure I had what I needed.  The shirts for the three mile were lilac, and the shirts for the six mile event were blue.  The photo also shows the Bass Pro bags each registrant was given.  With it still being dark, and still being completely disoriented as to where I was, I followed a group of people who said they were going in the direction of the starting line. ( I did not want to use up my energy walking the long way back into "GOK"-where to try to find where I had parked my car, to put my bag into my car, so I had assumed I would be carrying that bag all during the 3-mile event.)
So, when I found the starting line, I took a few photos, then proceeded to find a rock to sit on to wait for the event to begin.  (That is the photo you see that introduces this blog)  After it got to be daylight, I spotted Brooke, who had been introduced as the social media guru for the Bass Pro Fitness Series, and I asked if I could get her photo. 
She proceeded to take my photo, and told me to be sure my race  number was showing for the photo.  I did not realize it at the time, but the computer timing chip was affixed to the back of the race bib.  For the 5K events I have participated in before this time, we were given the computer timing chips in our race packet, which we then affixed by tying them onto our shoes.  Then we were asked to remove the chips from our shoes after the event, and turn them back into the race officials.  

The runners in the 6 mile part of the event were scheduled to start at 7 am, whereas the runners in the 3 mile part were scheduled for 7:15 am.  The photo below shows the 6 milers lining up, with the sun just barely peeping over the mountain tops.  All of the pre-race information had alerted the participants that the course was VERY hilly, steep, and wet in parts, so they should not be expecting any outstanding "speed" times.  Rather, the emphasis was on enjoying the beautiful scenery. 

Even though this was not a "qualifier race" for something like the Boston Marathon, the professional timers were there with their specialized equipment that records each participants time as they cross the activated equipment at the beginning and the end of the race.  We were told in advance that everyone had to be off the course in ninety minutes, so the afore-mentioned tourist golf cart tours could begin. 
The photo below was on Facebook page of the Bass Pro Fitness Series.  I found myself in the photo---the one in the yellow, long sleeved jacket.  (I had realized that I could flatten the Bass Pro bag I had been given at the start of the race, and stick it in the back of my tights, so I could have a "hands free" walk along the course.)  

Notice this gentleman carrying a youngster in a backpack, had also flattened his Bass Pro bag, and put it away, behind his 33 race number.  I was huffing and puffing going up this long hill, so I had great admiration for this man carrying so much additional poundage on his back, as he also walked up the hill!

When you go up a hill in the Ozarks, you can be sure that you will eventually be going down, and this hill was so steep, it needed a warning sign!

The race director told us when she was greeting the crowd before the event started, that heavy rains had washed out the paved golf cart road along part of the course, so we would be crossing gravel terrain for a bit, so I was not surprised when the pavement ended. 

However, what DID surprise me, was making my way down an improvised path in the woods, to reach the lower level of the gravel road.  I am guessing that this mother, who had been pushing a child in a stroller for the 3 mile event, did not know an off-trail passage was part of the deal!  Fortunately, several volunteers and other walkers, assisted her in carrying the stroller down to the next level. 
Top of the Rock started a "Nature at Night" golf cart tour last year, that expands the operating hours of the golf cart tour through the Lost Cave Canyon.   To enhance the experience, they have added some sculptures to the course, that are quite dramatic, when lighted at night.  The bird in flight (shown below) is one of those features. 
The space across the canyon is made accessible, first by a trail that leads down to a switchback, that will take one to the entrance of the bridge over the canyon.
Photo below shows runners exiting the Amish-built covered bridge.  (If you visit www.BigCedar.com , you can learn about additional Amish-built structures within their nature preserve)

Below a walker is approaching the entrance to the cave, that sits at the bottom of Lost Canyon.  The volunteer standing at the door is alerting the man to slow down to let his eyes adjust to the darkness, and let his feet get prepared for the slick, wet surface he will be going over. 

This is the photo of the four-story tall waterfall inside the cave.   The entire acreage is a part of the Top of the Rock Ozarks Heritage Preserve.  It is a privately-owned operation by Johnny Morris, that is open to the public, and has an entrance fee. 
The blue lighting makes for a romantic moment for this couple to enjoy, as they pause for a selfie photo at the waterfall. 

I was told one cannot get lost inside this cave, so I kept putting one foot carefully in front of the other, in the dimly lit space, until I could see the proverbial "light at the end of the tunnel"!
When folks exited the cave, there were volunteers there to provide some water for hydration.  I had not been carrying a water bottle, so I was ready to take them up on their offer!
One of the incredibly scenic areas along the course is called Horseshoe Falls, and it has two different steel bridges spanning its sides, above some gushing waterfalls. 
Bass Pro retail shops are famous for having dozens of deer mounts scattered throughout their retail space, so possibly it is a Johnny Morris requirement, that there is a tribute to this antlered creature.  The one at Lost Canyon Cave Trail is humongous, and abides in front of the waterfall, with its legs hiked up, as though it has just landed from a steep jump.  I have seen photos of what it looks like when it is fully lighted at night, and it presents a very stunning scene! ( see www.explorebranson.com for more information)
There is a constant flow of water onto the pavement at this point, so a portable metal bridge provides a safer alternative to those who do not want to wade through the water. 
The photo below of a girl inside the covered bridge, gives you a good look at the carefully-engineered beams that make up the structure.  As you can see there are lights that line its trusses, so this must look like a tunnel of "X" lights on the nighttime tour.  (By the way, if you search on You Tube, there are videos that visitors have taken of the night tour, as they rode through on their golf carts, enabling you to have a preview of the experience.) 

Can you see the figure below of a lady passing in front of the waterfall?  That provides some dimension/scale to how gigantic this canine is, depicted howling at the moon (represented by globe on the hillside).  Again, this would be much more dramatic when it is lit up at night, and the globe does indeed, look like the moon. 
There was an official race photographer stationed near the last waterfall; and, since most of the other participants had passed this point much earlier, he had time to take a photo of my happy heart gesture with my cell phone. 
At the beginning of the race, the director encouraged the runners to take the time to walk out onto the overlook, although it was not a requirement for getting in the required mileage.   Of course, I was curious to see what I could view at the end of the overlook, and wanted to get a photo of the "bird" that guarded its entrance.  The poles in front of the walkway overlook, indicate one is NOT supposed to drive their golf cart onto the overlook. 

The Top of the Rock Nature Preserve is located adjacent to Table Rock Lake, near Ridgedale, Missouri.  Seeing this feature of stones along the trail, that looked liked table tops stacked on top of each other, it is easy to see where the name "Table Rock" originates!

This is a photo of me, holding the sign, indicating I had finished the event.  It was a photo I saw in September of 2023 on social media, of a runner holding the same sign, that first alerted me to a fitness event that takes place within a few miles of Branson, Missouri, and just a few hours of where I live; and, it motivated me to strive toward getting in better shape physically.    Perhaps this photo will also motivate someone, to start a training regime that will enable them to participate in the 2025 Run the Rock!  (More details of my training regime the last year is provided in blog dated, September 7, 2024, entitled "Grace for the Race Expedition")

The entrance sign at Top of the Rock is beside a bronze statue of a Native American lifting up a buffalo skull.  It can symbolize many things, one of them being an offering of thanksgiving for the resources the  buffalo provided to the Native American tribes.  It can also represent the resilience and survival of the Native American tribes.  Leviticus 7:30 also talks about holding one's sacrifice in your hands and lifting it up as a special gift to the LORD.  The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is another example.  Romans 12:1 says in part, "....in view of God's mercy, offer your body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God---this is your true and proper worship."  When one sacrifices their own comfort and desires, so they can make their body more fit to serve God, it is an act of worship.  When that is the motivation for my commitment to keep active, it gives me "MILES OF SMILES"!  Tricia