It was while I was touring Hershey Park (an amusement park originally built by Milton Hershey for his employees and their families), that I stumbled into a big event being held there in Hershey Arena (yet another example of some GOOD walls Mr Hershey is responsible for). It was a rally of thousands of people that was being sponsored by an organization called "Wall Builders". Since I had just completed the Healthy Boundaries Bible study, I had a suspicion that this might be a Christian organization, and this was confirmed by a visit to their website (www.WallBuilders.com). There they explain that their name is based on the Old Testament book of Nehemiah that recounts the story of how the nation of Israel rallied together in a grassroots movement to help rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. WallBuilders uses this history lesson to represent allegorically, the call for citizen involvement in rebuilding our nation's foundations. Their number one goal is to educate the nation regarding the Godly foundation of the United States of America. They state their mission as presenting America's forgotten history and heroes with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitution heritage.
The guest speaker that day was Rick Green. Rick Green has his law degree from the University of Texas School of Law, and has served as a Texas State Representative. His bio states that much of the uniqueness of WallBuilders message stems from its massive collection of original documents from early American history, affirming George Washington's declaration that "Of all the habits and dispositions which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports." Studying these historical documents, as well as the First Amendment of the Constitution (which says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THERE OF, ....) has given me a greater appreciation for the Christian founding fathers, and a renewed commitment to protect those freedoms spelled out for us in our Constitution.
So this day of "Hershey saturation" is a time for each of us to examine the kind of walls we are building. It is a time to ponder the words of Psalm 11:3 that says "When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Will the walls we build be a legacy that benefits future generations, or will we only build the kind of wall that isolates and insulates us from the surrounding world? Wishing you miles of BENEFICIAL wall building! Tricia