It is time to think about what you are going to do to prevent a diagnosis of "cabin fever" in the coming winter months . Hope these photos will give you a few ideas!

This photo is a reminder of a wonderful winter experience during the daylight hours of New Years Eve, in central Florida. The expedition involved putting on wetsuits, slipping into the somewhat shallow, freshwater springs whose warmth causes manatees to gather in large numbers. This enables you to "snorkel with the manatees". There is no need for scuba gear, because the springs are so shallow, it is easy to see the marine mammals without diving equipment. There are links to the Crystal River outfitters I used, in an article I published called "Manatee Expedition" (December 31, 2013).

Another great place in Florida is represented by this photo. You can read about this place in an article called "Sanibel Island Expedition" (January 27, 2015) on a Road Scholar trip ( ) , headquartered at the Sundial Resort.

Another Road Scholar trip took me to a different part of the Gulf Coast, and you can read about it at "Exploring Rockport Texpedition" (March 9, 2015), which also included a trip to South Padre Island.
There are numerous places to go for a winter get away, and the photos below provide just a few ideas for contemplation: How would you like to rest in a hammock, tied between two palm trees, and be rocked to sleep by the gentle breezes and sound of the ocean. You might consider Ventura, California for that get-away, and you can also read about it on my blog at .

Seeing a
sunrise or sunset on the coast is an unforgettable treat!

If you cannot get to a place where it is warm on the outside, check out some places that have overcome weather issues, by enclosing gigantic spaces into a temperature-controlled "Biosphere"! Such is the situation for AT&T Stadium in Texas. Even if there are no games or events scheduled when you want to visit, you can arrange a guided tour that will show you all the inner workings, and behind the scenes activities at this marvel. I published an article about the tour I took, that you can find in the archives of this blog.

massive sculpture of Neptune is the "trademark" symbol for the city of Virginia Beach, Virginia. Strolling along the boardwalks of Virginia Beach can be a refreshing experience, at any time of the year!

This photo shows the colorful entrance to a play area along the Virginia Beach seashore.

Not all winter get-aways have to be to a tropical seashore around the Equator. There are several inland lakes on the continent that have mild weather throughout the year, where
al fresco dining can be enjoyed.

This photo of a
lady enjoying a beautiful scenic overlook is a reminder for me to mention that you do not have to wait until you retire to escape harsh winter weather where you live. When the lady in the photo was working as a flight attendant, she arranged to work international flights that would take her to the other side of the globe, during the cold months in the USA. When the weather in Chicago was frightful, she was so delightful---on a flight to Brazil!

Winter holiday time can mean going to places as a family to look at the Christmas lights, and maybe even ride a camel! You have this opportunity at the Fayetteville, Arkansas square, during the month of December.

If it is REAL snow you want, consider visiting the charming town of Mt. Shasta, California. I wrote about it in an article called "Strolling Mt. Shasta", (February 8, 2011). The photo is my son, leading the way across the snow on a warm winter day, when we were hiking to some alpine lakes. Plan you visit by checking out the website .
Even though your winter getaway plans may be uncertain, you can still enjoy the process of daydreaming about places you would like to visit, just sitting in front of a warm fire; and, having faith in God's promise that says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 That realization gives me "MILES OF SMILES"!! Tricia