I made up the word "Brandemic" to describe the concept of Branson during a pandemic. Hence, the phrase "Brandemic Expedition" describes my adventure there last month. While in Branson, I had the enjoyable experience of staying in a "castle", in this tourism mecca of southern Missouri. Its individually-laid, stone archway alerts the visitor they are in for a trip back to the time of the Renaissance!

The Stone Castle Hotel and Resort Center was originally built by two brothers from Wisconsin. They saw a story about the booming tourism industry in Branson, Missouri, that was aired on the Sixty Minutes television show, so they set about to be a part of that boom, by building a very unique resort, that was not like the many franchise, "cookie cutter"-type hotels around the USA.

Although the two Wisconsin brothers no longer own the hotel, their legacy endures in the architecture, and decorations related to "Knights in shining armor, riding on a big white horse"! Since my visit was in October, 2020, the knight that guards the entrance, had the additional help of two seasonal "scare crow" mannequins to assist his endeavors of protecting the guests!

As I entered the hallway leading to my room, I encountered yet another "knight in shining armor", who also had taken on an additional "helper" to keep guests safe. That helper was an automatic dispenser of hand sanitizer, which guests were able to use each time they passed by. As soon as I saw the metal armored suit, I thought about my First Place 4 Health ( www.FirstPlaceforHealth.com ) memory verses from Ephesians 6:10-11 that say, "Be strong in the LORD and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." At the time of my visit, Branson---and the entire world---was "standing against" the COVID19 pandemic, and I (like most people!) wanted to take every precaution available, to keep the virus from taking up residence inside my body! Therefore, I was glad there was another type of "armor" against transmitting illness---the clear, plexiglass shields between the guests who were registering, and the hotel employees behind the desk. For those who had not already done so, tickets to various entertainment venues were available for purchase at the front desk. Also, if you go to the hotel website at www.BransonStoneCastle.com, you will see that there are several money-saving "show ticket/hotel lodging" packages available. You can also phone them (toll free) at 1-800-677-6906.

The lobby where I checked in was spacious, with plenty of room for staying six feet apart. There were masks available at the front desk (in case a guest forgot theirs), as well as sanitizer dispensers available on the counter. Likewise, a floor-model dispenser was adjacent to the front desk. A sign on the front door as I entered, reminded me that all entering were asked to put on masks.

Another nice amenity the hotel provided, was luggage carts, that were conveniently placed in the hallway, that led to my room.

My room was spotlessly clean, and equipped with a flat-screen tv, alarm clock-radio, phone, free wi-fi, mini-fridge, hairdryer, iron, ironing board, luggage rack, and the very important, in-room COFFEE maker!

The freshly-sanitized remote control, set on top of a laminated document that listed the dozens of television channels available to watch.

This is a photo of the framed painting that was above my bed. It reminded me of the story my husband liked to tell of the "sword ceremony" he had, when he presented his youngest teenage daughter with her first-ever credit card to carry in her wallet. The story goes that he had her kneel on a cushion, while lit candles flickered in the dimly-lit room, where she was told to keep her eyes closed until told she could open them. When she opened them, her father was holding a real Samari-type sword, with the shiny new credit card balanced atop it. When you think about it, a double-edged sword is an appropriate delivery method for a "double-edged" piece of plastic that can both save and destroy, depending on how it is used!

Although many hotels have suspended their free breakfast offerings during the pandemic, I was pleased to see that the Stone Castle Hotel had made modifications to their breakfast service, so that it could safely continue. The photo shows that they have sneeze guards above the steam tables holding scrambled eggs, sausages, hot oatmeal, biscuits, and gravy. A hotel foodservice employee, equipped with protective mask, disposable gloves, and very cheerful greeting, was there to serve the guest whichever food items they chose. The photo also lets you peek into the professionally-equipped commercial kitchen, that has the necessary ovens and cooktops, and cooking utensils, to safely and correctly prepare the food they were serving. In addition to the cooked cereal, they also have dry cereals available for guests. Since I was in BRANson, I chose BRAN flakes every morning! (I jokingly told some fellow travelers that the popular dry cereal got its name of "bran flakes", because they were first made in BRANson!)

I enjoyed seeing the autumn-themed decorations on the serving area, and on my last morning there, I was also was able to see them in the process of putting up their Christmas decorations.

I was staying at the hotel as a part of a group tour, to showcase various Branson attractions. Our group traveled around town in a motorcoach, but before we were permitted to board, the group leader took our temperature, as one of many precautions being used, to reduce the risk of contracting the virus.

The Stone Castle Hotel is very group friendly, as shown by the fact that the motorcoach is able to pull right up to the front doors, and guests load on a flat (versus sloping hillside!) driveway. The Thompson motorcoach we were using, also was equipped with a hydraulic elevator, to enable lifting a guest who was in a wheelchair. It was brand new and freshly sanitized with a disinfectant "fogging" machine, to be sure every surface was clean. There was a bottle of hand sanitizer at the top of the stairs for each guest to use as they entered. The vehicle also was equipped with overhead sound system/microphone, wifi, phone charging stations at each seat, video screens, and a toilet.
Another great thing about the staff and facilities at the Stone Castle Resort, is their flexibility. When circumstances beyond anyone's control caused the cancellation of the full production of one of our theatrical music and dance shows that we were scheduled to attend, the staff at the resort arranged for their large Stonehenge Conference Room to turn into a temporary "theater" for a private concert by popular performer, Clay Cooper. That took some flexibility, not only on the part of the resort, but also on the part of a very gracious and sincere STAR of the Branson hospitality industry---Clay Cooper, who found a "perch" on the makeshift stage to sing and play whatever requests came out from our group! It was also touching to hear his story about how he and his family had survived during the early days of the pandemic, when they were spending countless hours refunding money to people who had bought tickets to shows that had to be cancelled. He laughingly said he phoned his pastor, and cried with him, for a long time, about how he was going to press on, in spite of having to lay off about 90 employees. That led him to tell a funny story about when that same pastor baptized him in a lake, in front of a waterfall, at nearby Dogwood Canyon. (He said it seemed to him that the pastor held him under the water a little bit longer than he had held down other members of his congregation, who were also baptized there that same day!)

On previous trips to Branson, I have been able to see the full production of the Clay Cooper show, and can vouch for its outstanding entertainment value!! You can find out more by phoning them, toll-free, at 1-888-222-8910 or via their website at www.claycoopertheater.com .

Clay Cooper set himself apart as an authentic musician and entertainer that night, because he was able to hold the group's attention by his vast repertoire of songs, using only his voice and his guitar. His talent was remarkable!
Even though we did not get to see his dancers and back up singers, the next night, our group was able to visit the interior of the Clay Cooper Theater, because it was the location of another outstanding Branson show we were able to enjoy---The Haygoods.

The Haygoods have been performing as a family since 1993, and their show never disappoints! They not only play over 20 different instruments, but their aerial stunts, laser light show, robotics, and innovative choreography, create an experience you will always remember! In regards to COVID19 precautions, the theater does not sell every single seat---rather they are operating at reduced capacity so that guests can be spaced throughout the theater---and not all "jam-packed" tightly together. Hand sanitizer is available at the entrance, gift shop, bathrooms, and at the back of the theater. Guests are required to have on a mask before entering the theater. For more information about their show, phone 1-417-339-4663, or visit their website at www.thehaygoods.com .
Stone Castle Resort is not only close to popular theaters, but also close to some scenic nature areas, as it backs up against a forest. In fact, these deer were headed for that forest, as I pulled out of the parking lot of the hotel!

Just down the hill from the hotel towards the west, you can do some photography at the very scenic area around Fall Creek, where this photo was taken. Our group went to supper at the Fall Creek Steak and Catfish House, before one of the shows. Once inside the spacious restaurant, guests will have the tough choice of gazing out the window, enjoying views of Fall Creek, or keeping an eye out for the kitchen staffer bringing out a freshly-baked batch of hot rolls. They are known as the "Home of the Tossed Rolls", so instead of keeping your "eye on the ball" to be successful, a guest needs to keep their "eye on the roll" flying through the air towards them! It is a fun and delicious place for a meal, and you can find out more by phoning 1-417-334-0754 or visit www.bransonsbestrestaurants.com . Since folks in the Ozarks may not be traveling long distances this Thanksgiving to be with relatives far away, it is good to know that the three restaurants operated by Branson's Best Restaurants enterprise WILL be open on Thanksgiving! Guests can dine inside, or get carry out. Reservations are not required.

Just a few blocks east of Stone Castle Hotel, you will find the Lakeside Forest Wilderness Area. It is a 140-acre nature park, right in the heart of Branson. The large wooden log archway, with columns made of native stone, welcome the visitor as they enter the parking lot. There is no fee to enjoy the abundant outdoor activities available here!

Lakeside Forest Wilderness Area has 5.3 miles of trails, with a waterfall, picnic tables, pavilion, restrooms, playground, and views overlooking Lake Taneycomo. When I hiked the trails in late October, the beautiful autumn colors of the leaves, caused me to be constantly stopping to take photographs of the trees, such as the one shown in this picture. For more information, and maps of the hiking trails, visit their official website at www.BransonMO.gov .
My visit to Branson, Missouri, was made possible by some dedicated professionals in the tourism industry, who want to not only see their beloved city survive the COVID19 pandemic, but indeed to thrive! They want to show that tourists can travel responsibly, and do their part to help our economy recover after the devastation brought on by the pandemic. It is one reason I titled this blog post, "BRANDEMIC EXPEDITION!", because it is about my visit to Branson during the pandemic. Even before the pandemic, a 100% risk-free vacation could not be guaranteed, so it is pointless to wait to start living your life, until there are no risks. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE RISKS!! This is exemplified by one of my First Place 4 Health ( www.FirstPlace4Health.com ) memory verses from Ephesians 6:10-11 that says, "Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes." Did you know, the Word of God is the only OFFENSIVE weapon listed in the Ephesians 6 description of spiritual armor? Ephesians 6:17 says, "And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." Therefore, I was very thankful to see, that a Gideon Bible ( www.gideon.org) was available in my guest room!

So, get out there!!---Wash your hands, sanitize your surfaces, and put on the spiritual armor, described in Ephesians 6. I did that, and I am very thankful I made this trip, because it gave me "MILES OF SMILES!" (Even if they were covered up by my face mask!) Tricia