I recently had the opportunity to, once again, attend the annual autumn convocation of the College of the Ozarks (
www.cofo.edu ), in Point Lookout, Missouri. I have published articles about the college in the past (which can be accessed in the archives on the web version of blog, under the date April 16, 2016), but for the first-time reader of this blog, I want to mention that the College of the Ozarks is a Christian college, affiliated with the Presbyterian Church. There are over 30 academic majors, in Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science programs. It charges no tuition for full-time students, due to its student work programs, and donations from benefactors. (The College of the Ozarks chapel, with its neo-Gothic design, was added in the 1950's, and is shown in this file photo from a previous blog).

I was very thankful my application for a media pass to cover the event was granted, as the free tickets for the October 10, 2019, event went very quickly. As you can see from my name tag, the community convocation is named in honor of two of the college's benefactors, Leonard B. and Edith Gittinger. Likewise, my nametag shows a photo of the 2019 speaker, Sarah Huckabee Sanders.

I had the pleasure of meeting and being photographed with Sarah's mother, Janet Huckabee, during a tour of the Governor's Mansion, back in the last century. ( In case you cannot tell, Mrs. Huckabee is the tall lady in the photo, and I am the short one!) Touring the newly-remodeled residence of Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and his wife, Janet, was especially meaningful because the remodeling project received wide-spread media attention and "good-natured teasing", due to the fact that the Arkansas governor and his wife lived in a double-wide mobile home, placed on the mansion grounds, throughout the remodeling project! I even remember seeing the television spot on the late night show with Jay Leno, when Jay and Governor Huckabee joked back and forth about the innate humor of a governor of Arkansas living in a "trailer"! Besides Mrs. Huckabee, I am thankful I was able to meet and be photographed with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, when I attended a taping of his Trinity Broadcasting Network television program near Nashville. See photo below:

But I digress, so getting back to the convocation topic, a photo of their stage technology equipment is shown below:

The convocation was held in the Keeter gymnasium, where many students can find work assignments, such as the ones the guys are doing with the technical equipment in photo. The experience they are getting in learning how to successfully operate such highly technical, ( and ever-changing!) digital production equipment will be invaluable!

I mentioned earlier that one of the things that makes it possible for the college to not charge tuition to the students, is a very large base on donors. These white chairs represent where those major donors were to be seated, enjoying "front row" views of the speaker.

Each person in attendance was given a very nice multi-page program, telling about the event. This is yet another way that students can meet their work program requirements---doing tasks in the printing department of the college. I have some "first hand" knowledge of the history of the print shop. When I was in high school, I dated a young man who was a student at College of the Ozarks, who happened to work in the print shop. Although this was long before the days of digital printing, I often got to see the examples of their publications, as we would save "hard copy" souvenirs of items he had personally printed.

This is a photo of the gigantic screen behind the stage that assures that attendees will be able to get "close-up" views of folks on the stage, regardless of where they are sitting. The fact that an actual microphone stand is placed in front of Sarah Huckabee Sanders face is co-incidental, but serves as a prompt to mention that Sarah is actually doing what she studied in college, where she majored in Political Science, with a minor in Mass Communications. She graduated from Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, in 2004, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree, and was elected Student Body President.

College of the Ozarks student musicians performed a beautiful musical selction before the start of the speakers.

The words of the hymn they sang are shown in this photo.

This photo shows the cross on the college logo. The logo design reflects the 5 areas college president, Jerry Davis enunciates as their "pillars"---Christian, Cultural, Academic, Vocational, and Patriotic.

I took this photo to show the actual viewpoint I had from my seat in the Media Section. I felt very fortunate!

This is a photo I took of the giant screen on stage, as it was projecting a photo of the entire stage, and seated donors/dignitaries.

Likewise, this is a photo taken from the big screen, showing a close-up of President Davis. Just like Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Dr. Davis is no stranger to controversy. In September, 2018, President Davis released a statement that the school would no longer use uniforms made by Niki: "If Nike is ashamed of America, we are ashamed of them." The statement came following the actions Nike took, regarding showing respect for our nation's flag.

This photo shows
President Davis at the podium, while Sarah Huckabee Sanders looks forward at the large crowd in attendance.

This academic institute was first proposed in 1901 by James Forsythe, pastor of the Presbyterian Church, of Forsythe, Missouri, as a high school. However, in 1956, the high school was changed to a junior college, since high schools became readily available in the area, unlike the situation that prompted its formation in the early 1900's. Later, in 1965, it became an accredited 4-year college. In the past decade, the school once again has started offering education for students younger than 18, in what they call their "Laboratory School". I took this photo from the sidelines, as the young students, dressed in their everyday school uniforms, performed a musical selection for the audience.

This photo shows the youngsters holding up two fingers, but not to give the "V for Victory" symbol often associated with that gesture, rather they are referencing they are singing about the second amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Notice in this photo the students are holding up all ten fingers. That is because they were performing a song based on the United States Bill of Rights, sung to the tune of the 12 Days of Christmas, and they were currently singing about the tenth amendment.

I can honestly say their singing, combined with the kinetic learning that goes along with hand gestures, made me more familiar with the Bill of Rights than I had ever been before!

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was also very impressed with the educational nature of their performance, and indicated she wished they could perform it to the folks who live within the "bubble" of the Washington, D.C. beltway!

I want to mention, also, how solemn and impressive it was when there was a presentation of the flag of the United States of America.

Of course, everyone was standing in honor of the flag and the national anthem. In fact, another one of President Davis's decisions this past year involved the 2016-2017 national anthem protests at athletic events. The college announced they would refuse to play any team whose players took a knee during the national anthem. In response, the NAIA chose to move its Division II playoff of men's championship basketball game away from College of the Ozarks. (The championship game had been held there since 2000)

This photo shows the Chairman of the Board of Trustees holding one of the Head, Heart and Hands Inaugural Awards, presented to honorees on the night of the convocation.

And finally, it was time to hear from Sarah herself! As former White House Press Secretary for President Donald J. Trump, this position behind the podium must have seemed very familiar to her!

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was just the third woman to ever hold the position of White House Press Secretary, and the ONLY mom to hold this position. In fact, she has commented on this whenever someone asked how she can stay calm with some of the questions she is asked during press conferences. She said something to the effect that she was used to being asked the same question over and over, and used to being asked ridiculous questions, because she was the mother of pre-schoolers! I am ashamed to admit that I would not have had such a good attitude, if it were me being pummeled with hostile questions. The thought that would have gone through MY mind is actually one of our First Place 4 Health (
www.FirstPlace4Health.com ) memory verses, and says, "So may all your enemies perish, LORD! But may all who love you be like the sun when it rises in its strength." Judges 5:31

Just like at a press conference, Mrs. Sanders was presented with some questions, submitted in advance by the students. One of these was, "What advice would you give to young people today"? She advised youth to stay strong in their faith, and in keeping with her long history in Republican politics, her second piece of advice was, for those over 18 years old, to vote for President Trump in 2020!

When Mrs. Sanders finished her remarks, she was given a rousing round of applause, and standing ovation, by those in the auditorium.

Hopefully, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, can keep this big smile as she goes forward in the next phase of her career. And with her favorite verse being Philippians 4:13, that says, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.", the sky is the limit as to what happens next! When she resigned her position with the White House, President Trump said publicly he could envision her as Governor of Arkansas. In keeping with that concept, there is a website one can visit to weigh in on the matter---
In addition, her official personal website is www.sarahhuckabeesanders.com ; I highly recommend the book by Sarah Huckabee Sanders, called Speaking for Myself.
Having the opportunity to get up close to this public figure that Time Magazine named one of its "40 Under 40" in politics, was an experience that gave me "MILES OF SMILES"!! Tricia
Addendum: In 2023, Sarah Huckabee Sanders became the 47th governor of Arkansas, in the footsteps of her father, Mike Huckabee, who was the 44th governor of Arkansas.