The photo of this group of women was taken at a rest stop along the Interstate in Illinois, as the two cars in our "Canoecopia Caravan" stopped to obtain travel information, and check out the facilities. The headline written in red above our heads is very appropriate with the phrase "We Were Women", because each of us was a member of a group called "Women Hiking the Ozarks", or "WHO", for short. In the Ozarks, the hot (and tick-laden) days of summer are not ideal for hiking, so the group started getting together regularly to kayak the many lakes and streams of the Ozarks, and decided on the name "WHOyakers" for their paddling endeavors. For several weeks, we had been planning a trip to Madison, Wisconsin, to attend the world's largest paddling expo, called Canoecopia, scheduled for March 13-15, 2020. When we left Arkansas, the event was still scheduled to occur, although we were hearing a few reports from other parts of the USA that there were concerns regarding a new type of flu, that was caused by the Corona virus.

the way to Wisconsin, we stopped to spend the night at a rental property adjacent to Starved Rock State Park ( ), in Illinois. I was excited at the prospect of visiting this particular state park because I had heard it was famous for its large population of eagles, and claims to be Illinois most visited state park. We went to their historic lodge that evening, to check out a local talent contest they were having, that was similar to those currently popular on television. And of course, the beautiful and immense fireplace in the great hall was another photo opportunity, for this structure that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The letters "SRL" above us stand for Starved Rock Lodge.
The next day, we arrived at the park very early so that we could hike some of the trails the park is famous for, many of which use pedestrian bridges to "even out" the "hills and hollers", plus 18 canyons, that the trails traverse:
One of the most scenic spots takes hikers into a box canyon, with a waterfall at the back, that makes for yet another great photo opportunity!
Another scenic spot the trail leads to at Starved Rock State Park, is a bluff overlooking the Illinois River, where one has a good view of the Starved Rock Lock and Dam system that has been built across the river to control flooding, while still permitting navigation.
We felt very fortunate to get to have such an enjoyable experience at Starved Rock State Park, because the next day, the park closed down, due to fears of the Corona virus! When we went across the river to the Corps of Engineers Visitor Center ( ), the employee told us that we would probably be his last visitors, for "who knows how long?", because he had instructions to lock the doors after we left! But at least we were able to get yet another group photo of our crew sitting on a giant propeller from a river boat: (I guess a propeller could be thought of as a type of modified "paddle", and hence appropriate for our group!)
When we finally made it to Madison to the Alliant Center, where Canoecopia was scheduled to be, it was one big empty parking lot---with rope barriers, locked doors, and orange traffic cones, indicating nothing was going to be happening there---in particular, the world's largest paddlesports expo! HOWEVER, we did find a LARGE WORLD to get yet another group photo! As you may recall, Wisconsin is called "The Dairy State", and this sculpture was erected for the 1967 World Dairy Expo.

This photo shows the group of seven ladies from the Arkansas Ozarks, that traveled to Madison, Wisconsin, to participate in the early March, 2020, event known as CANOECOPIA. Through a series of circumstances no one could have predicted, we ended up not only meeting the originator of this popular paddle sports event, but he used his phone to get the all-important group photo with him! His name is Darren Bush, and despite the monumental disappointment he was experiencing, he managed to put on a smile for this photo!
Darren gave us a thorough tour of his store ( Called Rutabaga, ) that is as much like a museum of paddling sports worldwide, as it is a retail business! Notice the cap on his head must be one he quickly grabbed out of his inventory, because it still has the price tag on it! In addition to the paddling artifacts and retail merchandise, it is filled with creative details that he has made himself, using his wood and metal-working skills. After the store tour, we followed Darren to his desk, where he went on the Internet, to patiently map out the area attractions we could visit, since the Canoecopia event had been cancelled. The locations shown in the remainder of this blog represent the "Plan B" our group experienced, after "Plan A" turned into a "vapor"! We greatly appreciated Darren's assistance with developing an alternate itinerary for our group of outdoor enthusiasts!
During much of our time in Wisconsin, our automobile route was designated as part of the Frank Lloyd Wright trail. This included a drive to the small town of Spring Green, where famous American architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, had his home and architectural studio for many years. The name of his estate there is called "Taliesin", and our group stopped to get a photo of the sign near the entrance, with the expansive home site at the brow of the hill behind the sign.
Diana took this photo of me, with the sprawling Taliesin ( ) in the background. I included the photo because it shows the "cat walk" extension on the far left of the structure. In Arkansas, there was another famous architect, known as Faye Jones, who was a student of Frank Lloyd Wright. Jones designed a home on a hillside overlooking Huntsville, Arkansas, for Arkansas Governor Orville Faubus. The Faubus home has that same catwalk feature on it!
Other characteristics of Frank Lloyd Wright designs are the low-hanging roof eaves and low-clearance entry ways. I am only 5'2" tall, yet I can touch the ceiling of the entryway to the Visitor Center at Taliesin. Before this structure was the Visitor Center, it was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, to be a restaurant overlooking the adjacent river.
Another place we visited on this Wisconsin expedition, was Devil's Lake State Park ( ). I first heard about this place from my son, who went there to try out their popular rock climbing sites. It did not disappoint! We even got to visit with some rock climbers along the trail!
The photo below shows us "explorers" perched on the side of the mountain, with the frozen 360-acre Devils Lake below, in the background. There were very few places along the trail that were wide enough for a group photo that met social distancing requirements, so we ended up having to get closer to each other!
Although we did not do the type of technical climbing with ropes and harnesses the way my son did, the trail we followed required a great deal of "bouldering"! Someone in our group took this photo of Peggy and me, inching our way along the route. (Peggy in front and I am the one in back with arms uplifted)
I was excited to get to visit a nationally-known trail, called the "Ice Age Trail" ( ), while we were at Devils Lake State Park. A WHO member in Arkansas (she also lives part time in Wisconsin), had told me about the Ice Age Trail, but at the time she told me, I did not know that I was actually going to get to experience it!
This photo above shows Diana peaking from behind one of the landmark rock formations. It was not an easy task to get to the point where she is standing, so I was happy to just be the photographer at this formation, and not try to stand on the edge of it, like Diana was! We could call this her "Post Card from the Edge"!
After her safe return to the main trail, she took a photo of the rest of us, standing in front of the famous natural landmark:
As a comparison, I am posting a photo from the bottom of the Ice Age Trail on the left, and a photo of the top of the climb on the right!
In keeping with its frigid-sounding name, it actually snowed on us a bit, while we were on the Ice Age Trail, which accounts for the rosy cheeks in this photo by the trail marker with the Ice Age logo!
As a souvenir, I purchased the Ice Age Trail medallion to put on my hiking stick. It gives me great joy to get to hammer in another national scenic trail souvenir, to go along with the ones I have from the Pacific Crest Trail, and Appalachian Trail.
Yet another scenic place we hiked was the area around Stephens Falls, located in Governor Dodge State Park ( ). The falls themselves were frozen, and provided a great backdrop for photographs!
At a location several miles away from Devils Lake State Park, we hiked at "Pewit's Nest" ( ). It is a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources State Natural Area. The site had a frozen waterfall, and a trail that followed the creek through a riparian habitat:
One of the ladies on our Wisconsin trip has a visual impairment, but none-the-less enjoys hiking and paddling, whenever possible. This photo shows that Wisconsin DOES have some paved, accessible trails, that she was able to enjoy, accompanied by another hiker on each side of her, as she walked. She is a wonderful example of a person who is determined to live life to the fullest, despite the obstacles she has to overcome to do so!!

This same lady was able to have a version of an "Ice Age Trail" experience when her daughter gave her a "snow facial", as the group posed for a photo in front of a huge mountain of snow and ice we encountered during out "Up North" adventure!
I read it was a Wisconsin tourism
faux pas to leave the dairy state
without sampling their legendary "fresh from the farm" ice cream, so we made a stop at a popular ice cream store in Madison, on our last full day in that city. What made our visit to the store even more enjoyable is that Peggy (shown in photo holding a sack of their ice cream) read the description of all 100plus flavors they listed on their website ( ), as we were driving back to Madison following a day of hiking out in the boonies!
The visit to downtown Madison gave us a chance to take an "urban hike", with a view of the Wisconsin State Capitol on the horizon!
No trip to Wisconsin is complete without sampling their famous cheeses, and so we stopped at Carr Valley Cheese ( ) store to check out what they had available. All of us bought various types of cheese at their store, thinking we were buying enough to give some away as souvenirs to friends back in Arkansas. However, on our drive home, we learned that the restaurants in Illinois had been closed, by order of their Governor, so all that cheese we had purchased was consumed---serving as both breakfast, lunch, and supper, on the long drive through Wisconsin, Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas! We were definitely "Cheese Heads", by the time we made it through four states, eating nothing but cheese curds!
To help me learn various Scripture verses, I often try to find a visual aid from my photographs that will help "imprint" that verse in my mind. The way the Canoecopia event turned into a "vapor", is a reminder of the words of wisdom in James 4:13-15 that says,
Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit"; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Instead you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we shall live and do this or that."
The tickets we purchased for Canoecopia have been applied to admission for next year's event, listed as March 12-14, 2021. So, if the Lord wills, I hope to have "Miles of Smiles" at Canoecopiea 2021, but in the meantime, I have learned that I can have "Miles of Smiles", regardless of whether things turn out as planned! Tricia
While we were in Wisconsin in March, one of the ladies ordered a new kayak from the outdoor supply store we visited, and although its delivery was delayed by about 3 months due to COVID19 precautions, it arrived in time for our annual WHOyaker multi-day outing in Missouri, June 29-July 1, 2020. This photo shows Ellen with her brand new kayak, as we started down the North Fork of the White River, near Caulfield, Missouri. Both Ellen, and her new kayak, are beauties!