This group of 4 colored wrist bands, represent four days of "COVID19 screening test victories" that I am very thankful I was able to wear, while a guest at the magnificent French Lick Springs Resort. At a time when the tourism industry was in a free fall, due to the COVID19 Pandemic, French Lick Springs Resort, hosted a tourism convention, that was the first of its kind in the U.S., since the pandemic was recognized in March, 2020. The resort management, and the organizers of the convention ( grouptravelfamily.com ), wanted to take every necessary precaution to ensure a safe gathering: this included a virus health screening and temperature check, each day a guest was on the property. Getting approved each day for a new colored bracelet, was as valuable to me at the time, as a solid gold bracelet would be!

This photo shows the magnificent wrap-around porch that adorns the front of the French Lick Springs Hotel, located in the town of French Lick, Indiana. This hotel is part of a 3,000 acre complex that includes two hotels, 3 golf courses, riding stables, 30 miles of hiking trails, a rail trolley, health spas, a bowling alley, volleyball/badminton courts, casino, and numerous restaurants.

This photo shows the entrance to the second hotel on the property---the West Baden Springs Hotel. As an explanation of the phrase "Carlsbad of America", at the time the archway was built, Carlsbad was a famous European spa. The purpose of the advertisement was to show that Americans did not need to travel to Europe for their health spa experience, it could be found in southern Indiana. The name "West Baden" was chosen because it sounds like the name of the German town of Weisbaden. Notice the black metal gates preventing driving onto the resort. They have been erected since the start of the pandemic, when the resort was forced to completely shut down during spring, 2020. It only reopened to guests in June, and the conference I was attending was the first one they had hosted since pandemic precautions were enacted .

Everyone entering any of the buildings first had to be screened with a health questionnaire, and a temperature check of their forehead, by a "no contact" battery-operated digital thermometer. If you passed this screening, you were given a colored wrist band, that was good only for that day. Also, the numerous entrances onto the property were locked, so that everyone was required to go through the entrance where the health screener was located.

The slight inconvenience of these entrance requirements were MORE than worth it, when one was inside the atrium of the West Baden Springs Hotel! This 200 foot dome had the title of world's largest free-spanning dome, when it was built in 1902. It remained the largest dome in U.S. until completion of the coliseum in Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1955. Besides being on the list of National Registry of Historic Places, and National Historic Landmark, it is also designated as a Historic Civil Engineering Landmark. As you can see from the spaciousness of the seating arrangements, it was very easy to do the "six foot social distancing" the CDC guidelines were recommending. It is not surprising that this dome space was once named the "Eighth Wonder of the World." The entire resort complex has undergone an amazing transformation, following a $560 million restoration project. It was the largest historic restoration project in Indiana history, and one of the largest privately funded preservation projects in the United States!

All the French Lick employees were wearing masks when they were inside, and this employee is holding the digital thermometer she used to check the temperature of those entering the building. Only those who were overnight guests of the property could come inside. This is another precaution implemented during the pandemic, as normally, visitors are welcome to walk through the historic hotel lobbies to observe their priceless decor.

When I got checked into the hotel, and made it to my room, I was delighted to see there was a Gideon Bible in the bedside table! There is an old country music song that says, I only want to stay in a hotel where that man---Gideon---has left his book, and I feel the same way!
The towns of French Lick and West Baden have a small population of about 2,400 residents, and the resort employs about 1,700 of those residents! (pre-COVID19) One of the most famous of the area's former residents is NBA legend, Larry Bird. There is a bust of his likeness at his high school Alma mater:
The resort employees were very visible, frequently disinfecting surfaces that were high-touch areas---doorknobs, faucet handles, toilets, light switches, etc., Plus, there were dispenser bottles of hand sanitizer on just about every counter or table throughout the hotel! The employees seemed happy to be back on the job, because many had been furloughed during the initial shutdown of the hotel.

There are many ways to explore the French Lick Resort campus. This photo shows the resort manager, Joe Vezzoso, (Director of Operations) taking a phone call outside, beside the four-person pedal "Surrey Bikes" that are available to guests. Mr. Vezzoso is to be commended for agreeing to his property being the site of the conference, because it was a "last minute" choice, when two previous cities in other states where the conference was scheduled to be held, were forced to withdraw their invitation, due to state-mandated restrictions on travel and tourism. So a big THANK YOU to Joe Vezzoso! He and his staff did a MAGNIFICENT job of facilitating a smooth-running conference location!
Another way to get around the resort property ( as well as trips into the nearby downtown ) is the motorized trolley. Of course, one needed to have their mask on to ride the trolley.
Yet another way to get around the resort is the railroad car trolley that makes the one mile trip between the French Lick Springs Hotel and the West Baden Springs Hotel. This is the type trolley where the conductor simply changes locations between front and back, depending on which direction the trolley is going. As you can see from the photo below, I was the only one riding the trolley on this day! (It had only recently resumed operation, being completely shut down during the Phase 1 of pandemic precautions)
The rail trolley dates from around 1924, and underwent a complete restoration to make it suitable for resort guests. Another way to get around the resort is via bicycle. The gazebo logo on all the bikes represents the gazebo over Pluto Springs, that is located in the gardens behind the French Lick Springs Hotel.
This lovely brick-covered street, lined with carefully tended flowers, provides an impressive entrance to the West Baden Hotel. A pedestrian does not need to be concerned about dodging motorized vehicles on this section, because it is currently closed off to that type of transportation.
Throughout the resort complex, there are placards that give historical tidbits about the resort's history. For example, this placard claims the hotel restaurant is the "Birthplace of Tomato Juice". That is because tomato juice is said to have been served for the first time at the hotel in 1917, when chef Louis Perrin ran out of orange juice and needed an alternative.
The photo below shows the Pluto Spring House gazebo, that serves as the graphic design for the resorts logo. Water from this spring was bottled, and called "Pluto Water". It was a best-selling laxative of the first half of the 1900's. However, production of Pluto Water ceased in 1971 after lithium, a naturally occuring mineral in the water, became classified as a controlled substance to treat bipolar disorder. Other active ingredients of Pluto Water were sodium and magnesium sulfate---the same ingredients in the infamous bowel-clearing prep, given to patients before a colonoscopy.
The expansive banquet room at the French Lick Springs Hotel was just what was needed so that attendees could spread out, and maintain social distancing. Another change from previous conferences I have attended is that there were only four people per round table, instead of the usual eight per table.
Another section of the conference center served as the location for appointments between buyers and sellers of tourism-related services. Plexiglass shields, hand sanitizer wipes, and six foot spacing , made appointments comply with COVID19 precautions. Because this facility did such an outstanding job of handling our conference, I would recommend you visit their website, ( frenchlick.com ), to plan a trip to their outstanding location!
I am using the photo of the cross atop this church in downtown French Lick, as the visual aid to help me learn one of my First Place 4 Health ( firstplace4health.com ) memory verses that says, "From now on, let no one cause me trouble, for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus." Galatians 6:17 As we go forward in light of the COVID19 Pandemic, we can be sure it will cause some (economic) bruises that will make a "mark". But if we can look at those marks as "battle scars" against obstacles that we have fought and overcome, we can claim the hope that Jesus' death on the cross assures us. He took the penalty for our sins, and through belief in Him, we can get through whatever the future holds. Having this promise from God, gives me "MILES OF SMILES"!