This close up photo of the sign shows that one is entering a "Scripture Garden".
The photo below shows that the sign can also be read by looking at its shadow on the sidewalk. I would like to think that the metal artist who fashioned the sign, knew this would be a benefit of cutting the letters out of the metal, instead of just painting them on the sign.
I am part of a healthy living program (www.FirstPlace4Health.com) that encourages memorization of the Holy Scriptures, in that we are given the challenge of learning one new Bible verse by memory each week. This "Be still"verse is always a favorite for young parents to learn, so they can train a fidgety youngster "in the way they should go"!
There is a gazebo on the property, and the view it provides is breath-taking!

I need lots more Godly wisdom, so I ask God for wisdom very often. And even though my lack of wisdom sometimes causes me to make mistakes, God does not point out my faults in condemnation!
If a student wants to "get away from it all", to study or meditate, all they have to do is tie up their hammock to one of the numerous trees adjacent to the scripture garden!
This verse is a reminder that I should be pure in heart, not prideful. When I was doing photography at the scripture garden, this pretty lady came strolling through. When I saw that she had on a College of the Ozarks shirt, I asked her what her connection was to the school. She told me she is a volunteer ambassador for them, perusing the campus to help visitors find what they are looking for, and to answer their questions. She is also happy to take photos for people who want to remember their visit to this amazing campus, but do not want to try to do it by taking a "selfie"!
The dedication plaque at the garden, lets me know the name of the "human" behind the gift of these scriptures carved in stone. Thank you Helen D. McVey! I want my bones to be healed, so it is better for me to speak pleasant words, than mean words, according to Proverbs 16:24.
This verse from Proverbs 5:5 references "directing our path", which is what the black fence is doing near the edge of the bluff---directing out path!
Directing my path was this decorative black fence, that silently tells visitors, "Do not go past this fence"!
The body of water one can see behind me is called "Lake Taneycomo". Although it may sound like an Italian word, it actually comes from abbreviating the words "Taney County Missouri". (The standard abbreviation for the state of Missouri is "MO".)
The body of water one can see behind me is called "Lake Taneycomo". Although it may sound like an Italian word, it actually comes from abbreviating the words "Taney County Missouri". (The standard abbreviation for the state of Missouri is "MO".)
How thankful I am for this promise, that no matter what happens, God can turn it around for good, for those who love God, and are called according to his purpose.

Beside the gazebo, is a pleasant seating area, that looks down on farm property managed by the College of the Ozarks.
The way I remember the digits of the verse below, is by saying "to 911", as in when one calls 911 to get help.This reference of Jeremiah 33:3 is sometimes called "God's Telephone Number". I use this admonition so frequently to help me find "lost things", that I finally realized, this could also be a reminder to pray for "lost people", who have not yet made the decision, to accept the salvation provided by Jesus. Saying the Philippians 4:13 verse out-loud, over and over, has gotten me through some very touch situations, including the time I got stuck in my kayak on the edge of a small waterfall in a Missouri river. God answered my prayers for help, and his Divine Strength, finally enabled me to free myself from the torrents of fast-moving water, that were on either side of my kayak!
The Scripture reference of this Bible verse from the Old Testament book of Numbers, is the one I am using as the visual aid to help me remember one of our First Place 4 Health memory verses for our current session. Numbers 12:11 says, "And he said to Moses, "Please, my lord, do not hold against us the sin we have so foolishly committed." It refers to when Moses' brother is asking to be forgiven for making the golden calf to worship, while Moses was up on the mountain for forty days with Yahweh.
The First Place 4 Health name originated from the verse shown here, of Matthew 6:33. That is because the verse advises what people should seek FIRST! In the program's beginning, it was simply called "First Place", because its mission was to train people what was the FIRST, and most important, goal for a healthy life.
The Hebrew word for praise means, "Hands upward toward God", which is what I am doing here---praising God for the beautiful world he has created! Seeing the College of the Ozarks Scripture Garden gave me "MILES OF SMILES"!! Tricia