Monday, March 3, 2025


Montreal means "royal mountain", and refers to the mountain overlooking downtown Montreal, Canada, that is called Mount Royal, and has an elevation of about 800 feet.  Mount Royal, and the cross on top of it, serve as my visual aid for one of my First Place 4 Health ( memory verses from Psalm 24:3-4 that says,

"Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in His holy place?  The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god."

There is a 103 foot tall cross on top of Mount Royal, that serves as a landmark for the city, and intended to testify to answered prayers, from a time when floods from the Saint Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers, were having devastating effects on the Montreal area.  The military officer, Paul de Chomedey de Maisonneuve, is credited with the first cross erected on top of Mount Royal in 1643.  He was the founder of Ville-Marie, a religious mission that means "City of Mary", in what is now Montreal, Canada (

Our group got to ascend this "royal mountain" and enjoy a view of the city from a scenic overlook, as well as a stroll through the park there, that Frederick Law Olmsted had a part in designing (the same landscape architect associated with Central Park in New York City).  The park is called Mount Royal Park, and was started in 1876.  The photo below shows Beaver Lake, which is a small artificial lake.  It also has numerous hiking and biking trails and cross-country skiing trails. 
St. Joseph's Oratory ( sits on the slopes of Mount Royal, and is a National Historic Site of Canada, and is Canada's largest church.  It has one of the largest church domes in the world, and you can see a photo I took of it on the blog I published, called "Canada Motor-Coach Expedition!", on October 24, 2024. 
Our guide told us that "oratory" basically means "prayer", which is what people do there, including me! It was the miracle-working prayers of Father Andre, in the early 1900's, that began to draw attention to this place of prayer and worship.  Religious pilgrims from all over the world come to this sight, and many of them climb up the wooden steps shown in the center of the stairwell, on their knees, as a sign of devotion.
Many people who went to Brother Andre, to ask  him to pray for their healing, were indeed healed of a variety of maladies.  There is a display of crutches and canes (ex-votos) left behind by those who had been healed, during the lifetime of Brother Andre's ministry, in the lower level of St. Joseph's Oratory.  Brother Andre died in 1937, and after his canonization, became known as Saint Andre of Montreal.  {Sometimes, lighting a votive candle can be used to signify fulfillment of a vow (Latin, votum)}
Brother Andre had a pious devotion to Saint Joseph, the husband of Jesus' mother Mary, and as such,  Joseph could be called the stepfather of Jesus.  There is a venerated statue of St. Joseph, in the Votive Chapel of St. Joseph Oratory.  The white letters of the glass votives, remind visitors that Saint Joseph is the patron saint of Canada. 

Our group used Dorchester Square as the  drop off/meetup location  for exploring downtown Montreal.  It is a lovely place to stroll around, reading the plaques below the numerous statues, to learn a few aspects of Canadian history.  There are also places to sit under a sun umbrella, ride a bicycle, or languish on a park bench. 
From Dorchester Square, our group walked towards one of the many entrances to The Montreal Underground City.  As we walked, we passed dozens of workers, who were busily engaged in putting down new bricks into the street.  I was fascinated with the precise measurements I saw a worker taking, as he had to cut bricks to fit around a circular manhole cover in the street!  It seemed everywhere we went in Canada, there was renovation, construction, and repairs taking place.  Our guide told us that the harsh winters in Montreal wreck havoc on their infrastructure, so there is a massive push during the warmer weather months, to get as much work as possible completed, before the snow season hits. 
Those harsh winters are one reason there has been so much development in what is known as "Montreal Underground City".  Our guide warned us that it is very easy to get lost in the sprawling complex of shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues.  Later, I noticed that sentiment expressed even in one of their advertisements that called the underground city mysterious and CONFUSING!  I was looking forward to working toward my 10,000 steps per day in such a haven for window-shopping!   However, I was very careful to not stray too far from where I entered the underground, so that I would not miss the designated meet-up time our guide had given us.  The photo below shows just a tiny part of the expansive space. The pink figure at the bottom, is a part of a unique art walk featuring fifteen temporary pink sculptures, collectively known as Monsieur Rose ("Mr. Pink") and are the emblems of Mignonisme, by Philippe Katerine.  Mignonisme (from "mignon" or "cute" in French) is a philosophy or way of seeing, that promotes bringing out the beauty in the ordinary.   (I also saw several Mr. Pink installations when I was walking around Quebec City.)

Fortunately, everyone in our group was able to exit the underground city, and meet our guide, as planned in Place d'Armes square, in front of Notre Dame Basilica (  One of the Basicilica towers was surrounded in scaffolding, undergoing repairs.  Notre Dame is a French phrase that means "Our Lady", which is a title for Mary, the mother of Jesus.  There are several places that bear the name "Notre Dame" besides the one in this photo--most notably, Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, and Notre Dame University in Indiana. 
The interior of the church has been described as one of the most dramatic in the world, and regarded as a masterpiece of Gothic Revival architecture  It is filled with hundreds of intricate wooden carvings. 
The meticulous carving of the wooden circular stairway leading to the pulpit, also has sculptures at its base, as well as above it.  When the church was completed in the late 1800's, it was the largest church in North America.  The church is a Canadian National Historic Site, and was the setting of Celine Dion's wedding in 1994.  Just 22 years later, it was the site for her husband's funeral service. 

Another area where our group had free time for lunch and wandering was Place Jacques-Cartier.  I had a magnificent time strolling the streets, and snapping countless photos.  It seemed no matter which way I pointed my camera (aka, iphone), there was a picturesque scene to capture!  The fact that the weather was what we would call a "Chamber of Commerce Day", in the USA, multiplied my enjoyment!
I came across some of my travel buddies as I was exploring, and we exchanged cameras to get photos of our visit to this unforgettable location. 
Our wonderful Montreal guide (www.NORMANBOIVIN.COM) had told us there was every kind of restaurant imaginable within this district, and he specifically mentioned a creperie.  Since crepes are so famous in French cuisine, I was delighted to get to see their chefs in action, making the delicious-looking delicacies.
I thoroughly enjoyed the art gallery that featured sculptures from First Nations artists.  I had become familiar with the Inukshuk, because it was used on the flag for the Canadian Territory Nunavut (a place my son taught me about, when he went on a rock climbing expedition on Baffin Island).   Also, when I went to the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver, Canada, an inukshuk was the mascot emblem used.  (An inukshuk is a figure made of piled stones or boulders, constructed to communicate with humans throughout the Arctic.  My apologies to experts on the topic of inukshuks, because I learned when I was researching this topic, there are variations on their design, nomenclature, and spelling,  that are important to the Inuit people, but thoroughly confusing to a hillbilly like me!).  The lovely lady at this gallery was very patient with all my questions, and even let me take her photo with one of the inukshuk art pieces she had on display! 
In 1976, the Summer Olympic Games were held in Montreal, and the construction of the 541 ft. inclined tower aspect of the stadium, (shown in the photo below) forever changed the cityscape skyline of Montreal.  It is the world's tallest inclined tower, and was not completed until ten years after the 1976 Olympic games.  The original design concept was for the round stadium to have a retractable roof, which was to be opened and closed by cables suspended from the huge tower.  Sadly, the design was better in theory, than in actual practice.  It continues to be toublesome to maintain, but even more troublesome to demolish---hence, being called "The Big Owe" by insiders.  For more information on tours, visit their website at

Our group had supper at a restaurant that was located between the Olympic Stadium, and the (former) Olympic Village that housed the athletes, shown in photo below.   (Seeing the Montreal Olympic Village, reminded me of the opportunity I had in 1988, when a professional dietetics associate arranged for the two of us, to tour the food service facilities of the Olympic Village in Calgary, Canada.  It was a fascinating experience, with the highlight getting to see Prince Albert II of Monaco, who was there for Olympic bobsleigh event.)  These buildings below in Montreal that once housed athletes, are now apartments and office spaces.

Yet another feature of the Montreal skyline is the Biosphere (, shown in photo below.  Originally, this was the United States pavilion constructed for Expo 67.  The sphere's geodesic dome was designed by Buckminster Fuller.  The dome was the inspiration for the design of Spaceship Earth at EPCOT Center in Walt Disney World, in Florida.  While the one in Montreal is a three-quarters sphere, the one in Florida was expanded to create a full sphere appearing to be balanced on legs. 

If you have any nautical knowledge, you probably recognize that this sign at the Port of Montreal uses the "nautical flag alphabet" to spell out "Grand Quai" (quai is the French word for "dock").  This is the location where our group connected with the vessel that would take us on a cruise up and down the Saint Lawrence River. 

The announcer that told the group what we were seeing (in both English and French), told us this structure, which looked like dozens of brown boxes stacked on top of one another, was built for the World Exposition of 1967.  It is called Habitat 67, and was designed by Israeli architect Moshe Safdie.  This is the same architect that designed Crystal Bridges Museum ( in Bentonville, Arkansas.  Folks can tour the facility, and if I ever go back to Montreal, it is on my "must see" list!  More information is available at
The photo below shows me with uplifted arms, in gratitude to God, for the wonderful experiences I had  on this St. Lawrence River cruise, and for the glorious weather!  In the past I have been on trips where a boat ride was planned, but had to be cancelled due to inclement weather.  So the beautiful blue skies on this day, and my entire time in Montreal, gave me "MILES OF SMILES"!!  Tricia


Saturday, February 1, 2025


 One of my favorite things to do when visiting a seaside location, is get out and do photography, either when the sun is low in the sky during sunrise, or when it is low in the sky during sunset.  

I recently had the opportunity to do this during a seaside stay in Sea Grove Beach, Florida.  I like to look for something interesting to put in the foreground of these photos, and while taking a morning walk, the only thing I could find was some sea oats plants.  My grandson-in-law does not like people in his landscape photos, but I am just the opposite---I like to see people in my landscape photos, especially couples, if they appear to be enjoying their outing!

An advantage of getting out earlier in the day is that there are usually more shells on the beach,  because they have not been picked over.  I look for shells with a hole in them, so I can add them to my "Gratitude Net", showing the location and date of where I found the seashell.  The note on the net says, "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you."
The blog "Sanibel Expedition!" gives the history of my sea shell collecting, and is in the archives at January 27, 2015.  Besides being used for my gratitude net, a seashell with a hole in it, can also be a picture frame! (photo credit to Diana L for photo of me, with seashell frame)

Here is another couple at sunset:
If I cannot spot a romantic-looking couple for a photo, then I look for something else to add interest to the foreground.  The photo below shows what I called the "stairway to heaven".
Sea oats at sunset:
As seen in many beach locations, the fences like the ones shown below, can add interest to a foreground.  They have many names---sand fences, snow fences, crib fences, and water gap fences. Their purpose is to force windblown, drifting sands to accumulate in desired places, to control erosion, and to keep sand off highways. 
I first realized the pleasing-to-the-eye effect of sand fences in seascapes, thanks to a painting my husband did, that hangs on the wall of what I call, my "Sea Lodge" bedroom.

It always delights me whenever I can use palm tree (a common identifier of tropical locations) as a frame for a sunset photo:

Ever since social media came on the scene, I have enjoyed seeing group photos of families/friends/travel groups, etc., posted, that show folks at a seaside location, all posing for the picture they will use as a souvenir, to remind them of this moment in their lives.  And, as luck would have it, I came across such a family at Sea Grove Beach, as I strolled along the shore on a recent trip.  The father was there with a tripod, his son was staring at his iphone, and the mom was capturing the seaside smiles of a gorgeous family, all dressed in colors of the surf and sand!

They could immediately get a preview of the photos, as they compared a vertical, versus horizontal, format. 

The interesting thing about the photographer in this photo, is that she is a professional at taking photos, albeit the kind that a radiologist captures through x-rays, CAT scans, and MRI's!
Fortunately, the models for these photos were being good sports, and without complaining, switched their location from the ocean being behind them, to the beach being behind them. 

Here is a mother-daughter photo of two beautiful ladies!

As the reader has probably figured out by now, this family I "stumbled" onto, was actually the group I was with, and as instructed, I had worn clothes that blended with the seaside location.  The story behind this crooked photo is interesting:  Jim had sat up his iphone on the tripod, with the self timer on, and a lady came along, insisting that she could take our group photo.  She then proceeded to rotate the iphone to a diagonal position, resulting in the photo shown here.  She said, "You will thank me later!"
As the sun continued to drop in the sky, and the very "helpful" tourist moved on, Jim sat the tripod in a different location, and got a photo of the sun behind us, whereas the former photo was with the sun shining in front of us. 

One of the D Family members took this photo of me with the R Family:
And, I cherish this photo of me with my grandson and granddaughter!

The group humored me, by allowing one photo where we all had our arms lifted up!

Hope you enjoyed traveling along on this seaside photo expedition!  I am using the image below as the visual aid for one of my First Place 4 Health ( memory verses that says, "Create in me a pure heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me."  Psalm 51:10   

Taking these photos, telling about them, and sharing them, has given me "MILES OF SMILES"!  Tricia

Thursday, January 2, 2025


DISCLAIMER:  I want to apologize in advance for the poor quality of the photos in this blog.  The main reason I am writing it, is to have a digitized, online record of a trip I took when I was a teenager, that was a major contributor to my lifelong enjoyment of traveling, collecting shells, taking pictures, and writing about my experiences.   
I grew up in a small town, where my parents owned a retail business, called Home School Supply.  The store sold a myriad of products (just about everything except food), including typewriters and adding machines (this was decades before the advent of computers for routine office use).  They started out being the regional distributor for Underwood typewriters and adding machines.  The Underwood Company was bought out by an Italian office machine company called Olivetti (  To help get the new Italian name in front of the American public, the Olivetti company
  sponsored a six-month sales promotion contest for their distributors.  The prize for meeting the Olivetti sales goals, was an all-expense-paid, two week trip for two, to Italy.  My father enjoyed traveling, so he put extra effort to selling as many of the Olivetti products as possible, and he met their goals!  My mother did not like to travel, so they got the necessary approval for me to go in her place.  I was going to have to miss two weeks of school, but the school administration agreed this was too good of an opportunity to miss, so I had an excused absence.   When we flew out of the airport in Harrison, a photographer from the local newspaper was there to snap our photo, and put the announcement in their daily newspaper!
My father received a custom-made glass mug, that had this imprint on the bottom:  "Hand made in Italy for the winner".  The map above it, shows how the Italian peninsula juts out into the Mediterranean Sea, in the shape of a boot.
For our charter flight on Alitalia Airlines, we were given specially-made travel bags, that showed the major cities we would visit, in the order we visited them:  Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, and Naples.  When I was clearing out items from my parents house after they died, I opened up this bag, and saw that the little Alitalia footlets the airline gave us for the overnight flight, were still inside the bag!
My mother had kept all of the items from our trip together in a special box, so I also found the fancy menus the airline gave us on board.  For several years from that time forward, I collected menus from my travels, had them framed, and they covered one whole wall of our home! 

Before we left, we received a 20 page, "book" detailing our itinerary, along with the addresses of the hotels where we would be staying in each city.  Fortunately, we also received a pocket-sized guide to keep us on track!(shown below)
While in Milan, we toured the famous theater, La Scala, and its accompanying museum containing art pieces from many famous artists.  My mom had saved the postcards I mailed her from Italy, and this particular postcard is telling her about getting to see the painting of The Last Supper, by Leonardo DaVinci.  I knew this was an art piece she could appreciate, because we had a small reproduction of the famous painting in our home.  The one in Milan was much larger, as it was a full size mural, on the wall of a chapel in Milan.  

While we were in the Milan area, we toured an Olivetti manufacturing plant, and were given an overview of the company's headquarter's building. Its modern architecture was in sharp contrast to the ancient architecture we saw in the remaining iconic sites in Italy.
Our next stop was Florence, where we learned about the Medici Family, and their importance in fostering artists in Florence.  We saw the famous dome of the Cathedral there, that identifies the Florence skyline.  That is also where we saw the marble sculpture of David, carved by Leonardo da Vinci.  I am using this photo of that statue as the visual aid for one of my First Place 4 Health ( memory verses that says, "God testified concerning him:  I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do."  Acts 13:22

The next stop was Venice, where a water taxi took us from the airport area, to our hotel located directly on one of the canals.  My father was feeling a little under the weather, and did not want to take a gondola ride.  In a rare instance of my questioning his decisions, I said, "I am not going to travel all these thousands of miles and miss taking one of the famous Venice gondola rides!"  So we took the gondola ride, and had a very handsome young man as our paddler!  Whatever the illness was that had my father feeling bad, hit me the following day.  My father contacted the trip leader, who arranged for a physician to COME TO OUR HOTEL ROOM!  The physician examined me, and gave me the appropriate medicine.  My parents had saved these little medicine bottles for decades!  The medicine must have helped, because my father and I both were up and about by the next day!
Our trip leader took us to a glass factory, explaining that Venice was famous for its glass art (Much like Seattle/Tacoma is famous for Chihuly art glass).   I got to watch one of the artists make the little glass deer shown in this photo.  My father purchased them for me, and somehow I managed to get them home without breakage, and still have them to this day!
It was not until I started working on this blog post, that I gained a full appreciation, for getting to make the trip to Pisa, to see the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa.  When reading through the itinerary book, I saw that the side trip to Pisa was not included in the all-expense-paid trip to Italy, so those who chose to take the trip, did so at their own expense.  Considering how frugal my father was, the fact that he paid extra for us to visit Pisa, makes him even more endearing to me!  It was a beautiful day, and the two of us climbed the hundreds of stairs to get to the top tier.  The photo of us at the top is below.  I have since learned that visitors can no longer climb to the top, due to safety concerns. 
Our visit to Rome was spectacular, and the most memorable meal I had on the entire trip.  It was in a cafe called, Da meo pataca ( .  Upon arrival, each of us was given a souvenir tambourine with the name Da Meo Pataca on it, as well as a cloth bib, with Da Meo Pataca actually woven into the fabric.  I framed my cloth bib, and had it hanging on my downstairs wall, along with several other framed menus.  My father and I were seated on the second floor balcony and had a delightful time, singing along with the live musicians, as we tapped our tambourines in time with their songs.  Decades later, I was dining at a local Italian restaurant in Mountain Home, Arkansas, and observed that they had a large poster menu from Da Meo Pataca---framed, and hanging on their wall.  So I am not the only ones that used menus as wall decor!
While in Rome, we got to tour Vatican City, and I snapped a photo of the Swiss guards, because their uniforms were so colorful.  The photo below that shows me enjoying one of the sidewalk cafes in Rome.  This was my first time to see sidewalk cafes, as they had not yet caught on in the rural area where I lived.
Visitors were not allowed to take photographs inside the Sistine Chapel, so I took extensive notes.  Something I did not know until I read a letter my father sent to my mom back home, was that one of the other trip participants saw the extensive notes I took on the trip, and told my father he would allow my father to use his 8 mm movie camera, in exchange for letting him copy down my writing about the tour!  Some of my original notes, along with my childish handwriting, are shown below:
Page 2 of my notes goes into detail about the famous painting, some of which were reiterated in the movie where Charlton Heston played Michelangelo. Likewise, a popular traveling immersive art exhibit about the Sisteen Chapel painting included all these details, and more, in their placards.  Visit for more information on where this exhibit can be seen. 
It is interesting to me that I was enjoying writing about my travels when I was a teenager, and still continue to do so in my old age, through this blog!  In fact, my father wrote home in one of his letters, that "Patricia is having the time of her life".  That was an accurate statement!
My notes from our visit to the Vatican included information on the architecture, saying that the curved "wings" to the domed center cathedral were not included in the original building design. However, the builders determined they were needed, to provide the proper "line of sight" to the magnificent St. Peter's Basilica.   The small Italian-made leather purse has the imprint of the Vatican design on the gold medallion.
An indigent-looking lady holding a small baby, approached my father on the streets of Rome, and asked if he would please buy the cloisonne music box, made to look like a mandolin.  As he looked at what she was selling, I was off to one side, and I observed her pinch the little baby to make it cry, so my father would hurry up and make the purchase, because the crying baby would make him have sympathy for her situation.  The incident made me realize the lengths a salesperson will go to in order to "close the deal".  And I am thankful she was so convincing, because the little souvenir my father purchased,  has brought me a lifetime of pleasant memories!  The floral item the mandolin is photographed on, is also a souvenir from Italy.  My father bought Italian scarves and aprons for all the ladies in his family, back in Arkansas. 
Because my mother had the addresses of all the hotels we would be visiting in Italy, she sent letters via airmail, that my father and I received, when we checked into our hotels.  (Remember this was long before the days of instant communication via email!)  I read the letters this week, and saw how my mother would give updates on how their school supply business was doing, and also updates on various family members.  Sadly, my father's father had died shortly before we were scheduled to leave for Italy, and there were family discussions (not involving me) of whether or not we should proceed with the overseas travel as planned.  I think my father had some feelings of guilt regarding the situation, but apparently my mom reassured my father that she would look after his newly-widowed mother, and that we should not miss this opportunity.  I am VERY THANKFUL for their decision!
I was amused at the way my father addressed the post card to my mom, simply as "Dear Wife", and mentioned I was acquiring more sea shells, a hobby I had been enjoying since I was 12 years old. 
All the photos my father and I took, were on Kodak Ektachrome Transparencies---not prints.  One reason for this was that my father had previously committed to give a program about the trip to his local civic chapter of The Lions Club.  He knew he would need slides, a slide projector, and a screen for this program--hence the use of slide film.  As it turned out, it was me who gave the program to the Lion's Club, and was probably one of my first public speaking "gigs"!  I was happy to do so, because of my enjoyment of sharing the stories about the amazing sites we saw!
I recently looked through all those slides, and made prints from a few of them.  The photo below shows me with the blue wide-collared raincoat, standing in front of a Lake Como fountain.  Apparently, a pigeon was impressed with that wide collar, because one afternoon when I was sitting outside beneath a statue of some famous person, a pigeon literally DUMPED a load of excrement on that collar!  I was horrified!  Some of the older ladies on the trip saw what happened, and immediately came to my assistance to get me cleaned up!  Since then, I tend not to sit under statues!
Just as I only recently discovered my father had to pay extra for the trip to Pisa, I read in the 1963 instructions, that he had to pay extra for the trip to the Isle of Capri.  The photo below shows us at the highest point on the island.  We took a ferry to get to the island from the mainland, then boarded a small tourist bus upon disembarking.  I distinctly remember that the bus ride up the narrow, one lane, twisting road to the summit, was the scariest thing I experienced in my life, up to that point!  However, the views from the summit made the scary ride soon forgotten!  We also were able to get into small boats, to visit the famous Blue Grotto, that the Isle of Capri is famous for. 

Back in the sixties, "charm bracelets" were THE thing for teen girls to wear.  So, of course, I wanted some souvenir charms of my trip.  The goat is the symbol for the Isle of Capri, and of course, the leaning tower of Pisa silver charm, is a reminder that my father and I climbed to the top of the famous tower.  (We also climbed together to the top of the Washington Monument on a different trip!)  The red thing that looks like a pepper, is actually a piece of coral from the Isle of Capri, and the medallion from Milan, has a depiction of its famous cathedral. 

Our group had their farewell dinner, at a luxury hotel in Naples, and of course, I kept a copy of the menu, because it was glued onto a souvenir tambourine!  The name of the dessert is a reference to Mount Vesuvius, that we were able to see and photograph from a distance.  Vesuvius is the famous volcano that instantly destroyed the thriving city of Pompeii.  My father and I toured the mummified remains of the city, and we were both touched by what we saw.  In fact, I noticed this week, that my father had written to my mom that it was important for all of us to enjoy the days that we had, because none of us know when our end will come.  The people of Pompeii were certainly taken by surprise, as seen by the remains of their suddenly-taken  lives visible to visitors in Pompeii.  Just as a goat is the symbol of The Isle of Capri, these days when we see "G.O.A.T.", it means "Greatest of all time".   For me, this trip to Italy with my father was the GOAT, and gave me "MILES OF ITALIAN SMILES!"  Tricia

ADDENDUM:  I am including this vintage photo of the business my parents were running at the time of our 1963 trip to Italy.  It was located at 301 South Pine Street, (Also called Highway 7 South), in Harrison, Arkansas.  The location was just one block from the banks of Crooked Creek, so the devastating 1961 flood in Harrison, completely flooded the first floor, and all its contents.

The 1960's was when a federal program called Urban Renewal was taking over private ownership of various properties, using the government's power of "Eminent Domain".  The payment they offered for my parents' property, was far below its market value.  Therefore, my father took the federal agency to court, to protest their actions, and insist on a fair market price.  It was my first time to ever be in a courtroom, and I recall it was a very troubling time for our family.  A compromise was agreed to, and my parents ended up building (in a different, and higher elevation!), at the corner of Central Avenue, and Cherry Street, in Harrison.  At the time, the location was across the street from the Harrison Junior High School, and just one block from Central Elementary School.  As a result, my parents became more intimately acquainted with many of the students, faculty, and parents of those involved with the elementary and junior high schools, and their new business location thrived.   It was just one more example of how God can make all things work out for good, for those who love the Lord, and are called according to his purposes!