I first heard of the Sight and Sound Theater when visiting Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, where the theater there has been in business several years. So I was delighted when a second location was established in Branson, Missouri, which is closer to where I live. I took this photo of the exterior when I visited there last week.

This domed building is adjacent to the entry driveway. The bronze sculpture in the round-about is just one of several art sculptures on the grounds.

This "lion and lamb" sculpture is situated atop a fountain, and is a favorite spot for visitors to stand in front of, who want to have their photo taken at the theater.

Passenger unloading from motor coaches, or cars, is on a level surface, and easily accessible, even for wheelchairs.

The theater sits on top of one of the highest HILLLS in Branson, and since many of the dramas depicted in the theater are about SHEPHERDS, it is only fitting that the street they are located on is called "Shepherd of the Hills" Expressway! The park benches, fountains, and the beautiful view of the surrounding Ozark mountains, make spending time outside the theater a refreshing experience!

I even spotted a picnic table on the porch alongside the main entry, so one could dine "al fresco", if desired!

The ticket counter inside the theater is well-staffed by gracious and efficient employees.

There is a large gift shop that has gift items of all types, including clothing, books, cards, and toys. And delicious-smelling aromas greet you as soon as you enter the lobby, reminding visitors that there is a concession stand with a wide variety of food and beverage choices.

The ceiling of the dome in the lobby is painted to look like the sky, and the draping banners hanging from the chandelier, hint at the colorful banners and costumes the visitor will seeing during the theatrical production.

This photo shows a model of how the stage surrounded the audience for the production of a previous show there, called "Noah". I saw that show more than once, and was fascinated with the details of the inside of Noah's Ark, that were brought to life on the wrap-around stage. The 300-foot stage wraps around three sides of the audience, and has elaborate sets up to 40 feet high. There is also an amazing variety of live animals!

The interior of the theater is designed to look ancient, although it is the most "high-tech" theater I have ever been in! The auditorium can seat up to 2,000 people. Since this is a one of a kind, FAMILY experience, remember to ask for booster seats for your little ones, if needed. In addition, there is a "cry room" for parents to take infants (or others!) that are making noises not conducive to the stage experience. Folks in the "cry room" can still have full view and hearing of the production in progress.

When I saw this little boy looking up at the the giant statue in the lobby, the vision of "David and Goliath" instantly came to mind.

The little boy went to get another child to show the statue, and together they read the synopsis of the story on the easel. Seeing children being fascinated by these well-done dramas of Bible stories, is one of the reasons I am thankful the Sight and Sound Theater is in Branson!

From the main lobby, visitors can either take the stairs or the elevator to the second floor of the theater.

It is on the second floor where you will find the scale model of the Noah stage production. I am using this Noah-related exhibit as the visual aid for one of my First Place 4 Health (
www.FirstPlace4Health.com ) memory verses that says, "And Noah did all that the LORD commanded him". Genesis 7:5

One can also get a "bird's eye view" of the dome above, and lobby below, from the second floor balcony.

The production I saw last week was opening for its first season in Branson, and is called
"Joseph!" Although I was quite familiar with the story, I read it again just before I went to the show, to refresh my memory. You can find it in chapters 37 - 50, in the book of Genesis.

What many people associate with Joseph is the "Coat of Many Colors", that was given to him by his father. This gift shop was devoted completely to various interpretations of gift items from the Joseph story.

I liked this tee shirt, because Joe was my father's name, and he was "not your average joe"! But neither was the "joe" in this show! The Sight and Sound Theater brochure states "The many exciting twists and turns, places and people woven into this 4,000 year old story are as colorful as Joseph's famous coat. With these rich qualities, it's easy to see why so many in the entertainment industry have chosen to adapt this story to stage and screen."

Hopefully, these photos and words have set you to dreaming about how YOU could make such an expedition; so to plan your visit to a FANTASTIC production in this amazing theater, just log on to
http://www.sight-sound.com/ . Seeing God's Word come to life in such a visually-stimulating way, will bring you miles of smiles! Tricia