It seems appropriate to use this photograph of a picturesque door, that I took last fall, to begin an article about Door County, Wisconsin.

Door County is in the northern part of Wisconsin, and is situated as a peninsula between the body of water known as Green Bay on the west, and Lake Michigan on the east. I don't know if the highway engineer that designed the strip of highway shown in this photograph had the intention of making it such a memorable, mesmerizing image, but it certainly meets that criteria!

My visit to Door County took place in the autumn, and this apple tree overflowing with ripe, red apples, is just one of many that can be found in orchards of Door County, that allow visitors to pick to their heart's delight, all the while being shaded by an umbrella of leaves.

For those whose leisure activities are more water-oriented, most resorts can arrange for you to have canoes, rowboats, paddle boards, or kayaks, to explore the watery surroundings at your own pace.

Likewise, many people come to Door County to do absolutely nothing, but sit and stare into the space where the water meets the horizon.

I took this photo around sunrise, from the beachfront, of the resort where I stayed. The mist hovering above the water helped fuzz out the line between water and sky.

Just about anywhere you go in Door County, you are just steps away from a marina that can provide both long term and short term boat mooring slips. This photograph shows a marina in the Sister Bay area, which is adjacent to the downtown area, and is a factor in helping make the Sister Bay area so popular for tourists who arrive by boat.

The same is true for "beach basking" in that, about anywhere you go in Door County, you are just steps away from a waterfront view and lawn chairs, arranged for relaxation. Sister Bay has a well-maintained waterfront park system that hosts weekly outdoor concerts in the summer. Their big event coming up on March 30 is the Sister Bay Egg Hunt (
www.ComeToSisterBay.com )

Since I have been a "little sister" my entire life, I had to take a photograph of this sign, when I visited the village of Sister Bay. Sister Bay is the largest community north of Sturgeon Bay, in Door County. Even with that distinction, the AAA book just lists its population as around 900 people. It is fitting that the sign shows an image of a Viking ship, because the town was settled by Norwegian immigrants in 1857.

Originally there were two communities---Big Sister Bay and Little Sister Bay. But fortunately, they were able to get past their "sibling rivalry" and incorporated into the "Village of Sister Bay" in 1912.

For those who prefer a motor attached to their boat, ( as opposed to the "silent sports" using a kayak or canoe) speed boats, pontoon boats, and fishing charters, can also be arranged for visitors.

When I saw this sign, the question entered my mind: "Do they mean that only women who had been a 'little sister' could be buried in this particular cemetery?" All others need not apply!

The cross atop this church steeple in the Sister Bay area, brings me to the reason I happen to be writing this particular article, at this particular time. I was trying to think of a visual aid to help me learn my First Place 4 Health (
www.FirstPlace4Health.com) memory verse---which is about two sisters---so my mind went back to my visit to Sister Bay, Wisconsin. The verse is from Luke 10:41-42, and is about Jesus visiting the home of sisters, Martha and Mary:
"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." A great way to clear the cobwebs out of your mind, so that you can make that all-important decision to "choose what is better" is by planning a retreat to Door County, Wisconsin (
www.DoorCounty.com ) . You will store up memories that cannot be taken away from you, and also enjoy "miles of smiles"! Tricia
Editor's Notation: If you visit the www.DoorCounty.com website, and click on the wedding blog, you will see that they used the photograph I took of a heart-shaped rock at School House Beach, on Door County's Washington Island, in their December 28, 2012 post. The title of the post was "5 Unique Ways to Pop the Question in Door County". A representative from the Door County CVB showed great courtesy by contacting me in advance, to ask permission to use the photograph, after they saw it in an article I published about School House Beach on my blog. Check it out!