The Lake Point Conference Center, near Russellville, Arkansas, was an ideal location for the 2014 Teacher Conservation Tour, sponsored by the Arkansas Forestry Association (
www.arkforests.org )

A wheelchair accessible walking trail encircles the grounds of Lake Point, and make it an ideal location for a stroll along the shores of Lake Dardanelle, at any hour of the day or night.

As one can tell by a look at the website for Lake Point ---
www.atu.edu/lakepoint --- it is a part of the Arkansas Tech University, also located in Russellville, Arkansas.

This photo shows that wildlife enjoys a sunrise walk along the lake, as well as human beings!

One can see the flat-topped Mt. Nebo, in the distance, on the opposite side of Lake Dardanelle.

The building where our group met, had a large center meeting space/common area, which was surrounded by private rooms on two separate floors, in a U-shaped arrangement, around the common area.

The large two-story windows looked out onto Lake Dardanelle, and a patio.

The dining hall was in a building adjacent to where our lodging was located.

That room also had large windows that took advantage of the magnificent view of water and mountains.

Arkansas Tech University students who are studying to be hospitality professionals run the food service and hotel management aspects of the conference center. I would give the students who created this beautiful dessert an A+ !!

All the meals were buffet style, with plenty of healthy food groups to choose from,.
I convinced the chef to pose in this photo of one of sandwich lunch buffets. Their kitchen also supplied the "picnic" lunches for us, when our group was away on field trips at a distance from the conference center.

I was impressed with some of the garnishes for the meals, such as this fish. It was especially appropriate because our after lunch exercise involved working with Arkansas Game and Fish employees to study the fish that were in the adjacent lake!

This "blooming onion", with its special color touches, was a garnish I had not seen before.

All our meals had lovely table service, with cloth napkins, tablecloths, nice china, flatware, centerpiece, and pretty desserts!

The buffet service enabled people to create their sandwiches in the way that best suited their likes/dislikes, and food preferences.

One of our supper meals was held outdoors, and was the traditional favorite of grilled hamburgers, chicken, and hot dogs!

The outdoor pavilion was set up with red checkered tablecloths, which added to the festive mood!

One of our group activities was each person putting a colored fingerprint on the "Thanks" tree card that was to be sent to the speakers to our group. This is also a reminder to me to say THANKS to all the presenters, van drivers, industry sponsors, city officials, leader Rob Beadel, and the Arkansas Forestry Foundation who made this conference possible!

We are so blessed to live in a state with so much natural beauty, and with citizens who are working to preserve that beauty, while at the same time providing jobs to keep our economy moving forward. So here are my thoughts regarding the 2014 Teacher Conservation Tour: "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you." (from Philippians 1:3). This past week gave me "MILES OF SMILES"!! Tricia