If you are like I was a few months ago, you may not instantly recognize what PCB means. However, when I received the invitation to attend the Select Travel Conference at the Sheraton Resort, in Panama City Beach, Florida, I quickly learned that PCB was the way "those in the know" refer to this location! (It reminded me of when I asked a fellow traveler their favorite place to visit on the Eastern Seaboard, and they responded with the initials "PEI", I was clueless as to what she was referencing, and confirmed my ignorance by asking, in my Southern drawl--Where is "pay"? She patiently explained that PEI always referred to Prince Edward Island, in Canada. See how much you can learn from chatting with strangers??!!)

I knew I must be in the right place, because as soon as I entered the lobby, I saw the sign welcoming me to the Select Travel Conference. Thanks to the efforts of travel conferences such as this, folks can find out about a plethora of destinations that they never new even existed! Likewise, they can get updates on traveling to destinations that most everyone has heard of, and probably have on their "Bucket List" of places they want to go.

The lobby of the Sheraton was expansive and tastefully decorated with a nautical theme, that put you in the mindset of the sea.

Notice the base of the glass-topped table is made from very decorative use of driftwood, adding to the ambiance of the decor.
Checking in at the front desk was efficient and effortless, and I was immediately able to get into my room, which had an expansive view of the waters of St. Andrews Bay. For photos of other rooms on the property, check out their website at www.marriott.com/pfnsi. You can also phone for more information at 850-236-6000.
The room was equipped with a large flatscreen smart tv, that enabled guests to watch hundreds of channels, plus livestream programs from the Internet.
I was very thankful to see my room had the all-important coffeemaker, fully stocked with delicious Starbucks Coffee, as well as a refrigerator for storing perishables. And, more important than coffee in the morning, the bedside table had a copy of a Gideon Bible in the drawer, so I could be reminded of God's Word as I started each day.
The materials I had researched about this hotel property before I came talked extensively about their boardwalk, so I was eager to get out and experience that amenity, as soon as possible! I had driven all day to get to PCB, and it was time for some physical activity!
The wooden boardwalk extends far out into the bay, onto a small island/marsh area.
Once you reach the small "island", there is a gate, with steps leading down to the beach adjacent to the board walk. This is where their outfitter stores the standup paddleboards and kayaks, that are availalbe for rental.
I had corresponded with the outfitter before I arrived, to inquire about renting a kayak, but it was not until I was actually at the location that I saw the kayaks they had to rent were the clear plexiglass ones, that I had only seen photos of, up till this point.

Their transparency is reminiscent of clear jellyfish that also inhabit these waters!

This photo shows the clear kayak, sitting on top of the grass And sadly, I was not able to try out the kayak, while attending the conference, as the outfitter stated the tides were too low, to adequately float the boats, without badly scratching the bottoms.

In addition to the paddle sport rentals, the same outfitter ( Paradise Adventures at 850-769-FUNN) also has two large catamaran sailing vessels (shown in photo), that takes tourists on a sailing trip around the Grand Lagoon.

This photo shows the Sheraton Pelicans Bar and Grill. As you can see from the long shadows of the evening sun, it is a great location for a meal and beverage as you watch the sun go down over the water.

This photo shows the beach beside the Pelicans establishment, with the boardwalk leading back to the Sheraton lodging properties in the background .

Part of the wetlands around the island have marsh grasses, that easily adapt to the changing water levels, caused by the tides, and various other weather conditions.

When the boardwalk over the water ends near Pelicans Bar and Grill, guests can continue to stroll onto a different area of the island, that has a boardwalk in the sand, and leads to another gathering place, where special functions and bonfires can be staged.

When I am at a waterside location, the thing I enjoy the most is getting out and doing photography, with the changing light conditions. I was especially thankful that I arrived my first day in PCB, before the sun had set, so I could do a "photo safari" in this new-to-me location!

Without even identifying the location, the palm trees framing this photo give the viewer the awareness the photo was taken in a tropical climate.

identifying plant, especially for the Gulf Coast, are sea oats. They are shown in this photo, gently bent from the breeze, with the pier and sunset behind them. It is against the law in Florida to interfere with the growth of the sea oats. They are vital in maintaining the integrity of sand dunes throughout the area.

This photo clearly shows the line where high tide had been previous to my stroll.

For those who do not want to do their walking in sand, there are ample paved sidewalks throughout the property for enjoying a stroll.

The Sheraton is very "motorcoach friendly", with a flat, and easily accessible boarding area for passengers.

The expansive spaces available in the Sheraton's meeting rooms, have become increasingly important during the necessity of "social distancing", due to the COVID19 pandemic. Plus, the tables were covered in clear vinyl, which could be wiped down as often as desired with the Clorox wipes that were available on each table.

The breakfast buffets for our meeting were served by Sheraton employees, wearing masks and gloves, and separated from guests (also wearing masks) by clear plexiglass shields.

This beautiful platter of fresh fruit was being served by an employee who was very patient with me, as I indicated the "small bite of everything" choices, I was requesting from the selections available!

During our breaks, we had numerous food and beverage choices available.

The lunches for the conference were served to each seated guest at the table, and they were delicious. I also like the fact that an individual packet of Purell was at every place setting.

After enjoying all this delicious food, I start thinking about ways I can do some physical activity to burn off some of the calories I just consumed! In addition to golf and tennis opportunities, the resort has bicycles available for guests to use.

The Sheraton also has a FANTASTIC Fitness Center. It has every kind of equipment imaginable, plus exercisers can look out over St. Andrews Bay, as they are doing their physical training.

In addition to the gorgeous water view, there are also three televisions to choose from, and ear buds available for individuals to listen to the television of their choice.

I participate in a nation-wide healthy living program, called First Place 4 Health (www.FirstPlace4Health.com), that encourages physical training as part of its 4-pronged program. (The other three are spiritual, mental, and emotional) The way we work on keeping our mental capacity in top operation, is by doing Scripture memorization, and I use visual aids to help me with this. These weights in the Sheraton fitness room that are used for strength training remind me of Colossians 1:11-12 that says, "Being STRENGTHENED with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light."

Speaking of light, what a glorious sight it is to see the rising morning sun, as a new day begins on the Sheraton's sandy beach on the bay!

One type of popular social media (Twitter), uses "tweets" to send out short messages. I heard the birds shown in this photo chirping out numerous tweets, and I interpreted them to say, "Check out the Sheraton Resort, in Panama City Beach, Florida! It will give you MILES OF SMILES!!" Tricia
Addendum: I am happy to report that later in my stay, I was able to try out my paddling skills in the water in front of the hotel, using the crystal clear kayaks available for rent at Paradise Adventures (www.ParadiseAdventuresPCB.com or phone 850-769-FUNN) A member of their staff ("Anne the Amazing") worked with me to go for a "spin" around the bayfront. She took this photo of me at the beginning, and I took the photo of the front of my kayak, with only my feet showing. Believe me, it was an experience that gave me MILES OF SMILES!